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Stop using the litter tray as a bed!!!!


Warren Scout

I got Tinker a ' delux 'rabbit bed which is all furry & cosy, and I put his favourite blanket thing in there but he has refused to lie in it (apart from trying to eat it). He will only use the rectangular littertray to lie & sleep in.

I wondered if anyone has any ideas how to make him stop using the litter tray and into his bed? I've stopped putting hay in the littertray to make it less comfy but he still prefers that to this lovely bed :(

Many thanks for any tips!
Sarah xx
Not sure you can stop him really, they do like to do what they like. I bought my two a lovely hooded cat bed and they destroyed it in two days!! Many rabbits love sleeping in their litter tray and unless it's a huge problem to you I wouldn't stress about it :)
I think he is telling you that he likes the feel of the hay and stuff you have put in the litter tray better than the fluffy bed! Try giving him this stuff to sleep on as well as in his litter tray, it may be what he wants.

Of course some bunnies just LIKE sleeping in their own poop :lol:
I got Deej a cosy cup thing and he never sleeps in it!

He likes to sleep: in his tent, behind his tent, on my shelves unit, on the floor, and definitely in his litter trays! :lol:
I learned this within the first few months of rabbit owning: Humans have it all wrong! Cushy bed thingies are meant to be wee'd on, and littertrays are meant to be slept on! Silly humans... :roll:

I gave up, and offer them either one huge litter tray (underbed storage box) or two littertrays (one corner one and one rectangular one), a box to hide in, and toys. Dylan sleeps in his tray most of the time, Finn in his box...any blankeys, or beds have always been either torn apart or pee'd on...*sigh*
cant get theo out of his toilet
