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squealing bunny....


Warren Scout
Hi :)

I recently adopted a white cross to try bond with pepper. He is a sweet little man and very friendly. So far i've been using a playpen in the garden to bond, if its raining etc we use the kitchen as this is neuteral. When we first brought him home they mainly ignored eachother. Pepper has started chasing trebor, and he stamps and runs away. I ususally just leave them to it...?

Yesterday I had them in the garden and the chasing started, eventually pepper caught trebor and appeared to be grooming him, although it did look quite rough, more like chewing the hair ? After a while trebor started squealing..I was quite worried so removed pepper from the pen.

Should I keep going with this bond ?
Hi :)

I recently adopted a white cross to try bond with pepper. He is a sweet little man and very friendly. So far i've been using a playpen in the garden to bond, if its raining etc we use the kitchen as this is neuteral. When we first brought him home they mainly ignored eachother. Pepper has started chasing trebor, and he stamps and runs away. I ususally just leave them to it...?Yesterday I had them in the garden and the chasing started, eventually pepper caught trebor and appeared to be grooming him, although it did look quite rough, more like chewing the hair ? After a while trebor started squealing..I was quite worried so removed pepper from the pen.

Should I keep going with this bond ?

You need to supervise at all times, ready to intervene if necessary. Rabbits squeal if they are hurt/in pain/very frightened. Stamping means the same.

Is Pepper male or female?
When were they spayed/neutered?
Sorry came across wrong, I do supervise at all times, just haven't been intervening when chasing starts unless it goes on as someone says I was intervening too often & this would hinder the bond. Pepper is a female and has been spayed since 2011. Trebor is male, I'm not sure when he was neutered as he is a rescue, I have had him for about 2 months & he was neutered before I had him. So assuming this is ok ?
Trebor is very timid and pepper can be quite fiesty...
Was wondering if i should maybe give trebor a break ? & try again in a few weeks...?

Sorry I'm new to bonding !
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Did this chasing & squealing only start when you took them outside? It could have been because you moved them to a new area too soon. Is Trebor used to being outside if not maybe the fear of being outside & then chased was just too much for him. How long have you been trying to bond them? With my youngest 2 it took 3 weeks before I was confident the bond would remain once in another area should the squealing happen again just go over & stroke the buns that should help calm them both down. Good luck
No, pepper chases in the house too :( I have been using the garden for a few weeks as trebor was an odoor bunny before I adopted him so I thoughtmaybe this would help him ? As he is quite a timid man. & I thought he would feel a bit more confident outside because that's what he was used to..
He had never squealed before either so I quite a fright and seperated them.

Do you think putting them in a smaller space would work, to show trebor pepper is jot going to attack him ? Trebor lived with other bunnies before he came to me but pepper has been a single bunny for 5 years ...

I'm not sure what's the best way for them to proceed with this :(
Are you sure the space that you are bonding in is neutral? Is the pen and everything in it 100% neutral?

If it is, I would be inclined to keep them side-by-side for a while so that they can get to know each other without the boy being so scared.
Pretty sure :) it was bought brand new for bonding. But I will clean it with some vinegar and water today anyway just incase. They have been living side by side since I got them (my room did smell like a chip shop for a while :oops:)

I hadn't been putting anything in the pen, should I put some hay in ? When I first got trebor, pepper started attacking me whenever I went near her, but was fine with my oh (not sure if that is relevant to anything as she was fine after a week)
Pretty sure :) it was bought brand new for bonding. But I will clean it with some vinegar and water today anyway just incase. They have been living side by side since I got them (my room did smell like a chip shop for a while :oops:)

I hadn't been putting anything in the pen, should I put some hay in ? When I first got trebor, pepper started attacking me whenever I went near her, but was fine with my oh (not sure if that is relevant to anything as she was fine after a week)

Sounds like Pepper is territorial. Yes, some hay would be a good idea, a yummy one could help distract Pepper from chasing Trebor.

How big is the pen? What does Pepper do if she catches him?
This is the pen I have :)


I have the large one, but don't usually open fully.

When pepper catches him it looks as though she is trying to groom him :s although she is quite rough... there's been no humping so far (again unsure if relevant as its my first time bonding)

I'm just terrified I'm doing everything wrong, I know there is no set route for bonding, but trebor just appears stressed no matter what I try :( theyv been living side by side for 2 months now...