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Spenser's hutch cover blew off! /photos of Spenser added

Ooops.:shock: I'm afraid they do though. :oops: He's not eating his evening greens, so I think the weather really is upsetting him. Forecasts are mixed re. when the winds are to drop, but I am not at all happy about putting him out before they do. I might need to sleep in the conservatory with him!

You'll freeze :shock:
Sorry about the hutch roof. But Spenser looks so fluffy and happy on your sofa!:love:

It wasn't the roof, just the cover. The hutch is VERY solid, but the cover has been flapping alarmingly. We're going to try him in the hutch in an hour or so, as the forecast is for the wind to drop overnight. He looks a bit amused, still being in the conservatory so long after dark.
Poor Spenser! He looks quite at home on the sofa though! :lol: the wind is terrible here too, and the rain is horrendous! I hope it subsides soon :(
It is still an awful night, but have managed to get Spenser back to the hutch. I will of course check on him a couple of times before I go to bed, by which time the forecast is promising less fierce winds.