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Specialised Home Needed For Max


Warren Scout
Max is a black Dwarf Lop male rabbit.

He came into rescue about 6 months ago after he had been purchased as a baby from a pet shop for some kids and as he matured became aggressive. It got to the stage that the family had to run across the furniture to get across te room because they were so scared of him.

When he arrived the parents did admit that the kids had ended up taunting him and hence his aggression became worse and through the stress of life that he was suffering he came down with a chest infection. This remained untreated for amny weeks because the family were too scared (they say :roll:) to pick him up and take him to the vets for treatment. This did not stop them from getting him into a carrier and bringing him here though.

Time went on and finally after he became so conjested that he could hardly move without becoming exhausted, they phoned around different rescues to ask them to take him. Some wouldn't because he was very ill, others were not interested because of his temprement.

Although I do very little rabbit rescue now I do have the facilities to take in rabbits that need to stay indoors so he came here and has lived indoors ever since. He does enjoy going out in a grass run though in fair weather.

When Max turned up he seemed very lethargic and was taken straight to the vets. He had pneumonia and was very weak and I honestly thought he was going to die. :( The vet was in two minds whether to end his suffering or give him a go, but we decided to give him the best chance possible and try to treat him.

We didn't muck about with Baytril and went for the stronger stuff. It was actually a dog antibiotic called Convenia which is a long acting weekly jab. It was such a horrific infection that he had that we had to use extremely strong medication although there was a risk, if he had a bad reaction, that it could kill him.

The first couple of days after his injection was very worrying. He was still gasping for air and thick, green mucous was continuously streaming from his nose. He also sounded really gungy as if each breath was the hardest effort ever. For a week after he was here I was wondering if I had made the right decision. He was suffering and a couple of times I made the decision to take him to the vets but then changed my mind.

His second injection came along and about three days after this the mucous went from green and nasty to clear and runny. This was the turning point that I was looking for.

He had his full course of antibiotics and within a week of finishing the last one (it was a four week course) his chest became conjested. And that is how it has been for the last five months! He had his antibiotics, showed signs of improvement and then got worse again.

That was up till a month ago. When the vet listened to his chest, although he was still snuffly, the problem was no longer in his chest, but in his upper respiritory tract. His lungs finally sounded clear. :D

He had one more course of antibiotics to cover any stress related problems and we could finally get him castrated.

Now, this is the difficult bit!

Because of Max's past he is known to be aggressive. I am hoping that castration will take the edge off of that, but it is by no means a cure to his psycological problems. Because of the kids taunting him and a stressful environment around people in the past, he has a learnt aggression problem with people.

I have worked as hard as I can with him. When he first came to me he did the normal attacking in the cage which I expected and one day caught me! He bit me through my middle finger and it scarred, but because I am too stubborn for my own good, I carried on (like a twit!) handling him.

He now accepts being picked up and it is when he is made to jump that he will turn his head to have a go. So, I tend to open the door slowly, talking to him all the time and place my hand on the back of his neck. He then knows that he is about to be lifted up and accepts this now. He still nips you if he is sitting having a cuddle, but it is getting better.

Once his operation has healed and he is no longer fertile I am looking for an experienced home for him with a spayed female. He has shown great interest to rabbits and when we have boarders come in, he will lay next to females with the wire between them, so he is showing signs that he wants a friend.

Max is about a year and a half old now and really needs someone to carry on with his training and allow him to have a bunny friend.

If you can offer Max a home, please contact me.

Emma (Furry Friends Animal Rescue) - Surrey
Tel: 020 8407 1080/0797 356 9371
Email: Adrs@aol.com
If I wasn't at my personal limit I would certainly consider this little chap....maybe Angie65 might feel up to the challenge though, she likes aggressive rabbits :lol:

Well done for giving him a chance where so many would'nt :)
Sorry I can't take him, but it is a wonderful story of recovery. I hope he finds a suitable home quickly.
Oh bless that little bunny,he must be a real fighter in more than one sense!

Wish I could take him but I've got 3 boys already and my house is far from peaceful!
Poor bunny!!! :cry: :cry: HOW can parents let this kind of cruelty to animals go on in their own home? They are just as much to blame as the kids are for not putting a stop to it. :evil: :evil: This lad sounds like a real tough cookie, which I am sure has helped him get through his illness, along with your excellent care. I hope SO much that he finds a PERFECT home with a loving wifey bun.....all the very best of luck to him!!! :D xxx
Would you be in a position to do the bonding or to let him go to a new experienced home to be bonded, with a return possible if the bonding didn't work?
I insist on a return policy for every animal that leaves here and they can't be rehomed without my permission. :)

I haven't really got the facilities for bonding bunnies anymore because I have revamped to a ferret rescue but I would be happy for an experienced person to try bonding him with a nice doe.

There's always room for an aggressive bun at mine. I've had a few un-rehomable buns stay with me but it would mean him being one of a big group and an outdoor bun - if that would suit him I'd be happy to try him with my lot.
Oh Emma he sounds if anything Worse than my Max (who btw loves me now LOL doesn't even try and eat me unless im holding the shovel) if i had to space he could come in a heart beat but i really don't
:(:(:( Poor little bean. I just love bunnies with ' issues ' and if I wasn't bursting at the seams with bunnies I would have taken him. There is no way though that I can cram another 1 in anywhere and its not just housing its finding time to spend with him one to one. I do so hope you manage to find him a suitable home. Any pics of the little guy - that always helps if people can relate the story to a face.
He now accepts being picked up and it is when he is made to jump that he will turn his head to have a go. So, I tend to open the door slowly, talking to him all the time and place my hand on the back of his neck. He then knows that he is about to be lifted up and accepts this now. He still nips you if he is sitting having a cuddle, but it is getting better.

Is it possible he is deaf, and might get a fright by not hearing you come. This would only add to his problems, and he might bite if he is scared.
Perhaps if you stamp and make lots of noise as you go, he might not get so jumpy.

Well done for seeing him through such a hard time.
Max would be fine being an outside bunny as long as the new owner had facilities to allow him to stay indoors if he needed antibiotics if his chest flared up again. I am very worried homing him because he would be prone to chest problems in the future and the new owner needs to be on top of any problems that may arise. The antibiotic they used works well for him and as long as the new vet was willing to dose him with it (as it is a dog ab really) then his problems can be kept under control. That coupled with his temprement and I am looking for somone with loads of patience and understanding!

Phill - He was actually named after Mad Max! Glad he is doing well. :wave:
This Max originally came in with the name 'Git' which I was not happy with so he was named after the infamous Mad Max.

I would say that he is not deaf. It would be hard to tell because rabbits can go simply on vibrations as I were to walk in the room, but I wouldn't rule it out.
As soon as the door is open he will start doing a little war dance!

How is Max getting on in his new home? He sounds such a fighter, in more ways than one haha. My previous two buns were a psychologically 'damaged' because of the way they were treated. Rosie was agressive,an ankle biter to my hubbie haha. She got more used to me, just patience and time but unfortunately, she passed after having her about 2 years and so i couldn't help her anymore,but at least i know that the time i had her she was happy and looked after. Wee soul all the best for him and great on you for nursing him back to health physically and mentally (even though thats ongoing):wave: