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Sparkle ~ 12th October 2014


Warren Veteran
Today I had to say goodbye to Sparkle :(

He was a shy boy that shared his life with me with Twinkle until she passed and then Baby Bun.. both ladies loved his gentle nature. He was always more confident with a friend nearby.

He started to show hind leg weakness about eight months ago, and was treated for EC. He had x rays which showed up no damage to his legs or spine, but his legs started to not do what he wanted them to do.

We had him on a good plan of treatment, which did keep him mobile for quite a while, but this morning, I knew it was time. He was laying down and couldn't get up, he must of been there a while.. he had lost so much weight. We helped him to the Bridge.

Have fun at the Bridge baby xxx

With Twinkle:

With BabyBun:

Sleep tight darling x
Sparkle is one of my favourite RU bunnies. I am so sorry you have had to say goodbye to him.

Binky free Sparkle xx
Sleep tight little one!
Sorry to see you go but say hello to my Darcie at Rainbow Bridge.. He will no doubt be scoffing Bananas which is no longer restricted!
