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something for them to hide in


Young Bun
Hi all,

My pair of bunnies are away on holiday at the moment at a rabbit boarding place who are helping with the bonding process :love:

I have a cage for a single rabbit that will be permanently open to their run: they'll have a nice big run inside (I also have a dog crate in case they still have to be separated at night)...

but I'm not sure what to put in as a hiding place for them. I've used cardboard boxes before but I'd like something more permanent that I wouldn't have to keep replacing

They are both too big to fit in the hidey bit that came with the cage :lol:

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking I might put something together from the untreated wood in my garage but it would be easier to buy something lol

Thanks :)

thank you! these are brilliant :) I like the 3rd one especially but I'll have a look through the 4th link you sent me and get them a couple, they move in with me on thursday so I'll get ordering! I didn't even think to look on ebay! :D
WOW thank you for the links. I've just ordered a couple of the ones with ramps for my house bunnies rooms. They look brilliant and I am sure they will have lots of fun with them. Couldn't believe how reasonably priced they were as well :D :D
:D No problem! I've been eyeing them up for months, I desperately want to buy some too :lol:!
I want the large delux 2 story play tunnel! They are very good prices :D And you can paint it to look pretty! :D
I want the large delux 2 story play tunnel! They are very good prices :D And you can paint it to look pretty! :D

Me too :)

I love that it has two entrances on the bottom floor. My two buns never took to the posh shelter I got for them preferring to sleep under an old stool with a blanket thrown over it instead. I always thought that it was probably because they didn't like to feel trapped but something with two exits might work for them.