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Sleeping quarters in a wendyhouse?


Mama Doe
We are moving house in the next couple of months and as the garden is a complete mess it is my job to tidy it up which of course includes plans for the buns. I am thinking as my other half has a wooden wendy house at his house to 'borrow' that for the buns to live in and make some sort of run attachment to go with it. Anyway my question is what do you use for the sleeping area especially thinking ahead to winter to keep them warm?
Snowdrop has a 4ft hutch inside her wendy house stuffed with hay for her to snuggle up in.

Strawberry just has an upside down cardboard box that was intended for him to jump on but he chewed out his own doorway and now uses it to sleep under!
I was wondering what to do also ,at the moment they have acess to thier run 24 hours but in the winter i was thinkin of shutting them in the playhouse at night and putting a large plastic dog kennel in full of hay.Would this be warm enough ?
I was wondering what to do also ,at the moment they have acess to thier run 24 hours but in the winter i was thinkin of shutting them in the playhouse at night and putting a large plastic dog kennel in full of hay.Would this be warm enough ?

Im sure that will be fine. Unless you are shutting off the run for security reasons then i wouldnt bother. They will be used to the cold and will go in when they need to.