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single male guinea pig (unneutered) available for boar dating- sheffield


Young Bun

This is the lovely Freddie who is looking for a new home with a friend.
He is 2 years old, in good health and is very friendly, he loves a cuddle!
He is being rehomed through Barnsley Animal Rescue Charity, I am fostering him and am based in Sheffield.
I can provide residential boar dating
what do you mean, 'boar-dating'? are you using him for breeding, or do you just want a forever home for him?
what do you mean, 'boar-dating'? are you using him for breeding, or do you just want a forever home for him?

Hi happybun, boar dating is where we try 2 male piggies together to see if they get on. Many male piggies will fight so we have to be careful matching up compatible boars. Benny and Timmy will never be used for breeding, BARC do not support breeding, but we do take in accidental litters.
We want a forever home for them, and will wait for the right one.:D