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Should I add a female?


Warren Scout
After Honey died suddenly and unexpectedly, her bonded brother Smokey was left on his own. I went back to the place I had got them from to see if there were any litter mates left (Smokey is only 7 months old). The only rabbit left was a male rabbit that was thought to be their father. So I brought him home, had him neutered and introduced him to Smokey gradually.

They seem to be getting on ok, apart from the odd scuffle when Smokey will chase his dad (Teddy), they will do a bit of fur pulling, but no growling or proper fighting and there havent been any injuries. Teddy isnt scared of Smokey and most of the time they will cuddle up together and groom each other.

Now I know that two males isn't the best pairing, and also I'm still unsure who is the dominant one out of Smokey and Teddy. I know that in rabbit 'hierarchy' the female is always the dominant one, so should I try and introduce a spayed female? Will that stop the scuffling and chasing?

Any information greatly appreciated xxx