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Sherpa, my most handsome bunny


Warren Scout
I had to say goodbye to Sherpa today.
For those of you that dont know, he had suffered from spinal arthritis, possible kidney issues, dental nightmares and pasturella. After his last GA i vowed not to put him through another one.
He was also the last surviving rabbit that i owned with my mum-who passed away 5 years ago.
He was my wonderful grumpy loving caring handsome old grump-bag and ill miss him so much.
im at work at the moment, but i will do a proper tribute to him when im ready.
iv never done anything so hard, he was so good and brave and although had the oppourtunity to hop round the room today, chose to sit at my lap.
mum is looking after him now, and he is with Maisy and his brother Sorrell.
maybe now he can eat some proper heaven food and enjoy his time in bunny paradise.
Sherpa i will miss you, you truley were my favourite and my most special rabbit ever. x x

Sherpa 25/06/2001 - 4/8/2010
Awww no not sherpa, im so sorry :cry: what a brave and loving but auwful decision for u to make :cry:

Sweet dreams little one xxxxx
thanks guys, im feeling pretty rubbish right now. dont really know what to do with myself. :cry:
im stuck at work too :(
I am so sorry you lost your little man today.
It is clear you loved him very much.
Binky free Sherpa. x
I am so sorry :cry::cry:, he was absolutely stunning.

He had a long wonderful life with you :love::love:

Binky free handsome xx
Oh no!:cry::cry: I'm so sorry, I remember reading about Sherpa and how you had him with your Mum. He was very handsome.

Binky free Sherpa, go and find your friends at the bridge xxx
This will probably take me amillion years to write, cause im not that ready yet, but i feel i need to talk about him!
He came into my life when i was 14. he appeared with hi sbrother Sorrel. one of my mums friends was working in a pub-the pub owners had bought them for easter bunnies and were now being ignored in the garden. he came straight to us. the skinny little young bunnies.
i first though sherpa was BEAUTIFUL!!!! but he was a right grumpy gitbag :lol: he lived quite happily with sorrel. it was at a point when we had about 25 bunnies, and all of them seems to belong to my mum (obviously as i was young still) Mum handed me sherpa and said that he could be mine, all for my own.
When mum first got sick i was 16 and we put all of the rabbits in together ( :erk: ) we had about 7 all loose in the shed (we had lost a lot in the big VHD and fox strike). all mixed breeds, sexes (all neutered!) and tempermants. from day 1 it was obvious that Sherpa was boss and there was nothing more he loved than his girlies. and nothing more that he hated than our german lop male (george). they got in a huge fight-which resulted in Sherpa biting Georges nose off. no one dared cross his path again!
Mum died when i was 17, and after that all the bunnies seemed to be dying for one reason or another. i felt that all of them were leaving me, favouring a better life with mum in heaven. only Sherpa and his brother Sorrel stuck by me and eventually i was left with only these two.
I got rabbit deprived and added Maisy to my crew. Sherpa loved her and so did Sorrell. but they would squabble over her, often resulting in Sherpa winning and getting all the Maisy snuggles. So i got Mopsey, in the hope they would have a girl each....nope! Sherpa ended up with two girlfriends and Sorrell was left to watch on.
Sorrell died not long after, leaving me with only Sherps, the one rabbit mum had specially given me. as you know i got more bunnies and added to my crew! but sherpa was always the favourite and the special one.
I remember goint on holiday when sherpa was 5 years old and leaving my sister to care for him. i was so scared that he would die of old age while i was away, how wrong i was!
When he hit 7 things really started going wrong. his eyes would puss up and his pasturella would get really bad, small scraps would really hurt him and he generally started to look old. but he was still the same old grump bag i knew and loved!
his dental problems started about a year ago. his teeth were ageing, and after xrays the vet confirmed that eventually they would fail him. i put him under GA three times, the last time was heart breaking. he took hours and hours to be able to stand and days to recover properly, and i never left his side. i vowed then i would never put him through it again.
Throughout it all, the past year, he has probably come to the vets with me once a month, he has sat by side while on-call and taken the trip up to college with me (150mile round trip) he's put up with my countless tears and hugging. and poking and prodding by the vets, and never once did he complain. he sat quietly and patiently while we checked his teeth, cleaned his wounds and flushed his eyes, trimmed his fur, placed his socks and applied creams. he has been a superstar through medication apon medication and when i was feeling low would always comfort me.
he was a grump of all grumps, i defy any bunny to look as grumpy as he did! he was pretty good at headbutting vets :) and wiping eyeslime over the other nurses.
He even came to the cemetary once, and sat there, calm as anything while i spoke to mum.
he truley was the worlds best bunny, and i will never find another like him.
i know he is up there now, mums keeping him safe for me.
Binky Free my grumpy little grump bag.

A few piccies i took this week. and a few of my favourites :)













Bit overboard :oops:
What a lovely tribute. Hope sharing it and the pictures of your special boy has helped you. :wave:
The dear boy!! Tough as old boots and I mean that with the utmost affection.A wonderful tribute.Moved me...made me laugh and made me teary.Lord only knows how you feel now hes gone with your Mum.
God Bless,Sherpa.Play over the Bridge.xxxxxxxx
Sorry that I missed this yesterday. What a beautiful tribute to Sherpa. I know that he was your favorite and you love him deeply. I just recently have discovered him but fell in love with all his pictures and his personality from all you wrote about him he was a character. One in a million. Have fun at the bridge Sherpa.
thanks so much everyone. this is harder than i thought it would ever be. i was feeling ok at work, but now im at home its horrible :(