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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

scratchy bunny


New Kit
please help. i took on my sisters female lop rabbit last November as her new terrier was terrorising it. i put her in a decent sized run with her usual hutch. she eats well, fresh carrots lettuce and her rabbit food everyday and fresh water. she has never been much of a digger till recently. sadly shes not great to handle as she back leg scratches and its pretty painfull to pursue. so shes pretty much left to her own devices happily playing in the garden. in august last year, we brought my little daughter two baby boy rabbits that were in the house till good sized and neutered. in November, we put them in a separate run and hutch close to the female. no real issue. female seemed ok but now runs in circles alot, dig and doesnt seem so happy. i took this as a territory thing? recently (a good month ago), the female escaped and jumped into the boys hutch while i was cleaning every thing out. i then discovered, she was in fact a boy this was very obvious. i havent bothered getting 'him' neutered as he doesnt share a hutch. this afternoon, while feeding the rabbits, i noticed that he was digging alot and seemed to be scratching at his ear. he had also something stuck from his ear. when i had a proper look, i saw that it was a bit of his ear dangling off and he had about a fifth of his ear missing and deep lacerations, some of which had gone right through. some of the lacerations looked pretty old and one ear was much worse than the other. i rushed him straight to the vet. she said it looked like something had attacked him as he also had old scars and cuts to his body. his run is secure though and completely covered. the lacerations have mostly healed well and nothing was needing medical attention. he doesnt have ticks or mites. has anyone ever seen this before? or know what hes doing and why???
thank you so much.
He is clearly very hormonal and so neutering him is necessary to make sure he does not have a life of constant stress due to sheer frustration. This will especially be an issue if he can see/smell other Rabbits. So I would advise you to arrange for a Rabbit Savvy Vet to neuter him ASAP. Whilst he remains entire his 'behaviour' will get more extreme, not better especially at this time of year.