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Savannah - A very special RU Bunny. 30/08/14


Mama Doe
Many of you may remember Savannah's story : http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/s...-Gone-to-her-forever-home!&highlight=Savannah

She was rescued by Jen aka Fluffers and re-homed with some help from Jill at Honeybunnies, her story touched so many people on here that she became adopted as an RU bunny. Her story was also told through Lisa in Bunny Mad magazine.

Where can I begin, I discovered Savannah's story when I was searching for a companion for my bunny Travis who was 7 and had just lost his second lady bun. The moment I saw Savannah I was smitten before I'd even read about her background. I've always had a soft spot for harlequins, and she had the loveliest markings and the biggest brownest angelic eyes.

When I read her story it was impossible not to want to offer her a life that she'd been unable to have. I contacted Jill at Honeybunnies - who told me I'd have to be very persuasive to convince Jen that Savannah was a foster bun ;)

We drove up to meet Savannah with Travis in tow, and it was love at first sight. Although there was a very sudden potential problem - Travis had never been a big bunny, but I don't think we'd quite realised how much bigger Savannah was, and they were to share the carrier for the journey home - fortunately Travis emerged at the other end of the journey looking no flatter!

The settling in days simply flew by, Savannah clearly had no concept of being a rabbit, and ignored Travis for the most part (unless there was food involved!). Instead, she followed my husband around like a little puppy dog for weeks on end - he'd have to tip toe everywhere for fear of treading on her. We nicknamed Savannah as our "little lady" for indeed, she was neither! - We often joked that she had all of the grace of Bambi on ice, we'd always know when she was hopping in and out of the conservatory as it was often accompanied by a clatter as her large fluffy feet would end up at all manner of angles. She was also the only bunny I've ever known to "wag her tail" in excitement, it would remind me of a little ducks tail wiggling about whenever she thought there was something great about to happen (food!).

As time passed she began to slow down a little, and soon turned into a very content bunny who would happily find herself a spot to snuggle down in and watch the world go by, unless she sensed that there was something yummy about to appear ;)

When we lost Travis at the start of last year, we were devastated, and very unsure of what to do for the best. Savannah had learnt all she knew about being a bunny from Travis, we were unsure how she would take to another rabbit. We decided that as she was an indoor bunny with access to the whole house and someone at home 5 days a week, we would be her companions until she gave us any other sign.

A year ago, we welcomed our son into the world, and Savannah in her truly inquisitive way loved to come and say hello. She'd often find a spot to sit (just out of arms reach!) and watch him, or tolerate his flailing arms if it meant she got something akin to a nose rub! Once he became more mobile, she'd often hop over to him when he was in his walker so that he could reach down to stroke her.

Unfortunately over recent months Savannah had started to develop various ailments, and despite many different treatments her quality of life was beginning to suffer. With a heavy heart, we had to make the decision to help her to the bridge.

Because of her history, we shall never know her true age, but we believe that she may well have been approaching or already have made double figures. We can only hope that the love she was given in her few years as a part of our family more than made up for the early years of her life that she had to fight so very very hard for.

I can't thank Jen enough for rescuing her and giving her a second chance at life - and for letting us have her and hopefully giving her the forever home that she deserved. Savannah certainly stomped her big fluffy feet right across our hearts.

Night Night Little Lady, and Thank You for bringing such joy to our family.

It's never "Goodbye", only "See You Soon"


I remember Savannah's story and was so happy for her that she had found a wonderful home. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost her. I hope that you can take some comfort in that because of Jenny, Jill and you and your family she was able to enjoy life as she deserved.

Binky free beautiful Savannah xx
I was so sad to have heard this news but wish to say thank you for taking an older bun on and giving her so much love and a great home. Hugs to you and Binky free Savannah xxxx
I was so sad to have heard this news but wish to say thank you for taking an older bun on and giving her so much love and a great home. Hugs to you and Binky free Savannah xxxx

We wouldn't have had it any other way, she brightened up our days no end.xx
Beautiful Savannah, what a wonderful life she had with you.

Sleep tightly little one xxx
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Savannah :cry: Sending you ((((((((hugs.)))))))
Binky free beautiful girl. xxxxxxxx
I also remember Savannah & her story
Binky free at the bridge little lady, forever young & pain free
I remember Savannah's story well and am sorry to hear
r of her psssing. It sounds like she had a really wonderful life ss psry of your family.

Binky free beautiful Savannah. x
I was still a lurker when I read Savannah's story and remember it well. You have given her a wonderful life in her twilight years.

Binky free Savannah