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Sarah- Her Final Journey-*Warning Some People May Find it Too Distressing to View*

I suppose the day loosing a Bun does not hurt is the day I would stop having them. However many Buns I have or however many I loose, each and every one of them mean so much to me.


Very true words:(

I think that picture is nice as swhe looks so peaceful and pain free. Tuff if nobody else thinks so they don't need to look.
You talk away about Sarah as she was a big part of your family, don't you ever think you cannot talk about any of them:)
Thank you everyone :)

Sarah was such a happy Bunny, even when she became really poorly.
Do you know she never once had any tummy problems despite being on Depocillin for almost a year. Right up til the end she was producing spectacular big golden poos :)
I would normally be giving her her injections at about this time. I still have her opened bag of Apple Chips. Nomad will have one every evening.

Hi Jane, Sarah was very beautiful, she looks extremely peacefull and knowing you were with her at the end, would of made her journey to the bridge very calming.Sending you big hugs.Debx
What a lovely picture, Jane. :love: :love: Thank you for sharing it with us. Sarah looks SO serene, tranquil, and at peace with the world in it.....what a wonderful image to remember her by. xxxxx :love: