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Sad news - Gasket and Tappet

What an awful thing to happen, and such an awful shock to you :cry:

Have fun at the bridge, little boys xx
I am so sorry :cry:

Surely the neighbours would know if their dog did this? There must of been a fair amount of noise for the run to be smashed? Surely they should just own up to this :cry:

Thanks everyone. The neighbours were out when we got back last night and are out again this morning now that we have just got back from the vets. The neighbour on the other side of us didn't see anything, but she was also out for most of the evening. Once we have the results of the PM we will hopefully have confirmation of the cause one way or the other and will be speaking to the neighbour who has the dog if that turns out to be the most likely cause.. :cry:
The neighbors are supposed to restrain their dog in the appropriate ways so it doesn't damage anyone else's property. Can you ask for some kind of refund if it turns out the dog did it? It won't help your buns but perhaps it'll teach them not to let the dog roam free again.
devastating :cry: so sorry for the loss of your beloved buns, I hope very much that you manage to sort this out with your neighbour as well if the PM points to their dog, what a difficult situation this could turn into :(
I am so sorry for your loss :cry:
If there was anything I could do or say that would help change the situation, I would, but other than sending a virtual hug and reasurring you that your buns had the happiest life with you possible, I'm lost for more to say :(
so the neighbours havent even been back, is the dog out ? as this says to me the dog hasnt even been out for a walk yet then,
you checked the fence for fluff damage etc

I have a feeling the neighbours are going to be unco-operative on this as of course there dog wouldnt hurt a fly type thing, might be an idea to see if you can wait to see if the dog does jump over again. orrrrrrrr the neighbours did see it and tried desperate to get the dog back over,

It wont be the dogs fault, it seem his intent was to play as horrid as it sounds but if both buns have no damage as such then this seems more likely :(