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New Kit
Hi, I am new on here. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have 2 Dutch rabbits and am getting them a large hutch with a run attached that will have to sit on grass. Obviously I don't want them to dig and escape. I was wondering if anyone had any tips. I was thinking of mesh on the floor but not sure.
Hi :wave:

Yes mesh the bottom of the run if they can dig out they will :evil: I meshed my run and then re-turfed over so that they weren't running about on wire ;)

But if your grass is flat then the wire will bed in quickly and shouldn't be a problem to feet :)
Yes, you can mesh underneath but will need to sink it so that it is covered by the turf, otherwise it will hurt their feet. The problem with permanently having on grass is that it can become a soggy, muddy mess. Is there anyway you could put some paving slabs down?

We have some mesh like wire that has 1/4 Inch holes I believe they are. Unfortunately we do not have the option to do paving slabs.