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Run/aviary recommendations please


Warren Veteran
Hi all, as some of you know, throughout the whole time of owning bunnies, they have always been free range. Now we have adopted our dog, he seems to have the urge to chase the bunnies and him being an incredibly excitable young (and very big!!) puppy, keeping the buns free range just isn't going to work.

The bunnies are just not getting the free range time they need and my heart is breaking for them… they need to come out and hope around!I need to come to a solution and I guess the best option is a run or aviary. It NEEDS to be as large as possible, I'm thinking something over 12ft long !!

So, I need to know where you all got your runs/aviarys from… only because I have NO idea where to start and I am too lazy to search the forum :oops: Am looking for decent quality which will last the bunnies lifetime… and stop a large mastiff puppy from breaking through it!!

please help!!
I've ordered one from aviaries4u as they do 16g mesh and we have a fox at our new house. It's being delivered on saturday do will update when it's up. Have ordered an 8ft by 6ft which will be attached to their 8ft x 6ft shed plus they have a 10ft run for the grass so they can graze and we don't need a lawnmower.
Rhian, just checked their website, it seems slightly expensive for my budget according to their price plan! I'm looking for something max £250.

Stator, I really don't want something cheaply made, it needs to be dog proof and I would prefer good quality mesh and wood! :)

There is so much to take in and so many people who make them.. where do I start :shock:
I got my run from welfare hutches, it's 10x6x3 and was £160 (I think!) and they do them bigger as well:thumb:
excellent, welfare hutch company sounds brilliant!!! Like that they don't sell anything less than 6ft hutches, all looks good to me so far and reasonably priced.

Would the 10ft run be big enough for 3 medium sized bunnies? I am seriously out of touch, I really have no idea. I hate the fact the buns can't free range all day anymore. This would only be used when they can't access the rest of the garden when the dogs inside :)
excellent, welfare hutch company sounds brilliant!!! Like that they don't sell anything less than 6ft hutches, all looks good to me so far and reasonably priced.

Would the 10ft run be big enough for 3 medium sized bunnies? I am seriously out of touch, I really have no idea. I hate the fact the buns can't free range all day anymore. This would only be used when they can't access the rest of the garden when the dogs inside :)

The 10x6 run I have would be fine for 3 medium sized buns, it's massive!! Cos it's higher as well you can for more levels and they can binky seriously high :shock:
excellent, welfare hutch company sounds brilliant!!! Like that they don't sell anything less than 6ft hutches, all looks good to me so far and reasonably priced.

Would the 10ft run be big enough for 3 medium sized bunnies? I am seriously out of touch, I really have no idea. I hate the fact the buns can't free range all day anymore. This would only be used when they can't access the rest of the garden when the dogs inside :)

I think it should be plenty big enough - its 65 sq ft, so alot more than RWAFs minimum. If i was you though id get some rope and lay it out, in that size, where you want the run, that way you can get a proper feel for the size.