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Rest in Peace - Flopsy - 27th Sept 2010

Susan Smith

Young Bun

I lost my treasured, precious little baby girl Flopsy who was nearly 8, on Monday afternoon. I have cried ever since, trying to make sense of what happened.

For the last year she has had an abcess behind her eye, which we managed well with medication. Recently I suspected she had developed EC as her hind legs were going from under her and she started to wet herself, but we were beginning to manage that also. I asked my vet if he would consider removing the offending tooth which was causing the abcess. He wouldnt do it so I phoned our local animal hospital and they said they would be happy to do it.

The tooth was removed last Tuesday (21st) and she came through all that fine. I brought her home at night and she was eating within hours of the op. The vet gave her a different antibiotic to be given every 4 days. On Saturday night she got her injection of Oxytetracycline. She seemed a little out of sorts by Sunday night and I said to my husband we would have to watch cause she wasnt eating very well and her poops were awful small. I didnt sleep very well cause I was a bit concerned for her. In the morning she seemed to be making funny grinding noises and she couldnt seem to get comfy. She hadnt pooped at all over night and she wouldnt eat. I immediately called they vet and they said to bring her right in.

I carried her in my arms and by the time I got there 20 minutes later her breathing was very laboured and she seemed to be quite floppy. A nurse took her from me right away and put her on oxygen. 5 minutes later the vet called me through and said that they would keep her, give her oxygen, gut motility drugs, fluids and get her body temperature back up but that her condition wasnt good. I was told to go home and phone them at 2.30pm.

I couldnt settle as you can imagine but as time went on i thought "no news is good news". At 2.15 my mobile rang and I recognised the number, my heart sank.

Catherine, the vet was calling to tell me that my precious girl had passed away minutes before. Seemingly she had perked up a bit with the oxygen and sat up, and then very quickly went downhill again and just never made it. She had been in a lot of pain and i am assuming just couldnt fight it any more.

I have cried non stop for the last 3 days and cant seem to lessen the pain I feel in my heart. The house feels so empty without her.

I am sorry if this is an awful long story but I feel I owe it to here to honour her courage and fight right to the end,,,,,,but I just think her little body couldnt take any more.

:love::love:Rest In Peace my little Flopsy girl........we all miss you so, so much and I will never stop loving you:love::love:


Forever in my Heart........Mummy xxx
It is indeed a very sad time when we lose a bunny who has been such a big part of our lives for so long, particularly when they have fought so hard to stay with us.

Sleep well Flopsy, you have lived a life of both giving and receiving love.:love:
I'm so sorry for your loss of your very special Flopsy. Hopefully she has left you with lots of happy memories that will bring you comfort in time. Thinking of you. xx
oh hun, it hurts so much doesn't it... lots of hugs for you xxx

flopsy was obv very special, sleep tight sweetheart, have fun at the bridge. xxx
A very lovely tribute to a lovely girl. She was very pretty. You can tell from your words how much she was loved and how special she was to you.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Binky free Flopsy xx
I would like to thank everyone for their kind words. I am so glad I found this forum because it makes me feel normal...well as much as can be,:), instead of thinking I was over reacting for feeling the way I feel.

I have read this forum every day since my precious Flopsy passed over to the Bridge and have laughed and cried at some of the posts.

To begin with I was thinking that I would never have another bunny cause i didnt want to replace my baby, but now I am thinking that I could put all my learning from her to good use and give perhaps give a rescue bun the same love I gave my Flopsy.

Thank you all so much, I am going to remain part of this forum whether I get another bunny or not.

All my love to all those bunnies out there:love::love:

Susan xxx
You certainly aren't over reacting to the loss of Flopsy, your tribute to her was lovely, just shows how much you cared for her.
Thinking of you and hope you stay on RU.