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I think you really need to bear in mind what has been said on many other threads regarding Kirkby - the enormity of what Celia is faced with on a daily basis. Yes I agree it is not ideal & things could be an awful lot better :? However, without Sue (hunnybunny2007) raising Kirkby's profile as she has done, I doubt any of the RU'ers involved now would be.

I wish I could wave a magic wand to make everything wonderful at Kirkby - but I can't :( One thing is for sure though we will as a group of volunteers continue to improve things where ever we can.

To be quite frank I have adopted from another rescue from RR that shocked me Far, far more than what I have seen at Kirkby - I won't name that rescue because I feel it serves no purpose :?

ETA - the only way to stop any rescue getting like this is to stop pet shops & breeders selling to anyone & everyone - many of whom then dump the poor animals on struggling rescues like Celia's.

And people want to know why I am so anti-breeding! :? :roll:

Like i said i didnt want to upset anyone:( But ive only ever seen 3 other rescues,Ive actually never seen Jills where most of mine came from,but she has been here or ive met her halfway
Like i said i didnt want to upset anyone:( But ive only ever seen 3 other rescues,Ive actually never seen Jills where most of mine came from,but she has been here or ive met her halfway

you should visit hopper haven hun, its like a rabbit wonderland ive never seen anything so amazing :love::love::love:
Like i said i didnt want to upset anyone:( But ive only ever seen 3 other rescues,Ive actually never seen Jills where most of mine came from,but she has been here or ive met her halfway

I'm just not sure what purspose it serves trying to compare one rescue to another - when we're more than aware that things at Kirkby are not ideal :?
I'm just not sure what purspose it serves trying to compare one rescue to another - when we're more than aware that things at Kirkby are not ideal :?

I agree.
We all know Kirby isnt ideal, but people are trying to make a difference. I feel Kirby gets jumped on alot when it really isnt needed, not when such hard work is been put in to make changes.
Hi everyone, Simon and I are going back to Kirkby for the day on the 27th of this month, if anyone wants to come, it will be great to see you
The most 'natural' environment I've ever seen at a rescue is at The Rabbit Residence - all I can say is WOW!! Huge fenced grassy 'warren' or 'paddock' areas, each containing either a shed or a mahoosive hutch. The bunnies have free range access to their warren during the day and are safely tucked up at night. Pea and Pod came from Caroline and I felt sooooo guilty taking them away :lol:
The most 'natural' environment I've ever seen at a rescue is at The Rabbit Residence - all I can say is WOW!! Huge fenced grassy 'warren' or 'paddock' areas, each containing either a shed or a mahoosive hutch. The bunnies have free range access to their warren during the day and are safely tucked up at night. Pea and Pod came from Caroline and I felt sooooo guilty taking them away :lol:

Woww, do they have a website? I want to be nosey and have a look :D
Rescues like wood green, the rspca and blue cross are always going to have better facilities as the money they have is going to be huge.

Other rescues have groups of people that can help with paperwork and fundraising etc which frees up the rescues time to improve accommodation and care for the bunnies.

Then there are those like Celia's which struggle with one person running the whole show. The buns basic needs must come first so paperwork and fundraising go out of the window, which is why its so great that people are helping now.

I am sure when Celia started out she never realised how big the demand would be but once you are in a situation it can take on a life of its own and you just keep trying as best you can. It must be impossible to downsize if buns are being left on the doorstep etc.

It has probably taken years for the rescue to become so run down so it certainly isn' going to improve over night. ButI think its great that there is now a dedicated team of volunteers trying there hardest to turn it around :)
I've been to a couple:

Blue Cross Burford. Lovely area for buns in a block of stalls with sheds inside them and loads of straw, toys and space.

Oxford Animal Sanctuary. Less said the better:(

Fat Fluff's 'Branches'. A holiday camp for buns:)

Rainbow. Ingenious use of a house if i have ever seen one :lol: Fantastic use of if next door's garden;) All buns has loads of space and you would never guess these are buns who have disabilties as they look so happy.
Rescues like wood green, the rspca and blue cross are always going to have better facilities as the money they have is going to be huge.

Other rescues have groups of people that can help with paperwork and fundraising etc which frees up the rescues time to improve accommodation and care for the bunnies.

Then there are those like Celia's which struggle with one person running the whole show. The buns basic needs must come first so paperwork and fundraising go out of the window, which is why its so great that people are helping now.

I am sure when Celia started out she never realised how big the demand would be but once you are in a situation it can take on a life of its own and you just keep trying as best you can. It must be impossible to downsize if buns are being left on the doorstep etc.

It has probably taken years for the rescue to become so run down so it certainly isn' going to improve over night. ButI think its great that there is now a dedicated team of volunteers trying there hardest to turn it around :)

Couldn't agree more:D
I've been to a couple:

Blue Cross Burford. Lovely area for buns in a block of stalls with sheds inside them and loads of straw, toys and space.

Oxford Animal Sanctuary. Less said the better:(

Fat Fluff's 'Branches'. A holiday camp for buns:)

Rainbow. Ingenious use of a house if i have ever seen one :lol: Fantastic use of if next door's garden;) All buns has loads of space and you would never guess these are buns who have disabilties as they look so happy.

Does Liz use her neighbours garden? WOW thats amazing :shock:
Does Liz use her neighbours garden? WOW thats amazing :shock:

Yep, I have a couple of runs on their grass, she says its great that she no longer has to mow the lawn :lol:

there is no fence between our gardens so I just sort of spread across. She has also let me use her summer house for emergencies and quarantine too. Oh yes and I use her bin and her washing line for all the vetbd. Think thats it :lol:
Yep, I have a couple of runs on their grass, she says its great that she no longer has to mow the lawn :lol:

there is no fence between our gardens so I just sort of spread across. She has also let me use her summer house for emergencies and quarantine too. Oh yes and I use her bin and her washing line for all the vetbd. Think thats it :lol:

Wow, thats great, very lucky! Its great she helps.

Your set up is great, it looks so "homely" if that makes sense, oh and very pretty :love:
Wow, thats great, very lucky! Its great she helps.

Your set up is great, it looks so "homely" if that makes sense, oh and very pretty :love:

Doesn't look quite like that at the moment after all the rubbish weather we have had :( All the plants are dead and the grass leaves a lot to be desired
Rescues like wood green, the rspca and blue cross are always going to have better facilities as the money they have is going to be huge.

Other rescues have groups of people that can help with paperwork and fundraising etc which frees up the rescues time to improve accommodation and care for the bunnies.

Then there are those like Celia's which struggle with one person running the whole show. The buns basic needs must come first so paperwork and fundraising go out of the window, which is why its so great that people are helping now.

I am sure when Celia started out she never realised how big the demand would be but once you are in a situation it can take on a life of its own and you just keep trying as best you can. It must be impossible to downsize if buns are being left on the doorstep etc.

It has probably taken years for the rescue to become so run down so it certainly isn' going to improve over night. ButI think its great that there is now a dedicated team of volunteers trying there hardest to turn it around :)

You've said exactly what I wanted to say Liz :)

It's very hard as volunteers when you know you cannot make everything perfect & wonderful for the bunnies in Celia's care - believe you me, whenever I leave Kirkby I feel guilty that I don't bring a bunny home with me :cry:

But me & my hubby, like all the other volunteers can only do so much - working full time, having family commitments & animals of our own - means we can't spend as much time there as we would like :( Also having 24 buns of our own - we're not in a position at the moment to help any more - no matter how much we would like to :cry:

If time, money & manpower were no objection - Kirkby like a lot of other rescues would be far, far different to what they are currently.
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