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Recommended hutch cover, made to measure

Try putting this item number into the search box, it works on my computer - 180135184645
We've got one of these too, and it is brilliant. They made exactly what we wanted (including extending 3 of the sides because we have a run with a hutch on top), and we received it within 2 or 3 days of paying.
Thanks for that!:D
I have Thistle Hall from p@h and was looking at the hutch hugger but looks like i will be going elsewhere for my hutch cover (using a tarpoline at the moment!)
Leesa....Peppa and George!

Shame i didnt see this post earlier :(, tho i do like my scratch and newton rain cover!!

Just a question should i put the rain flap down at night to keep them warm at night?? OR buy the thermal cover and use that instead even tho its summer?? What about during the day while i'm working up or down??

I couldnt help but feel cruel leaving them outside last nite, all my other pets lived indoors but this place isnt mine so they cant live inside :(. I put in loadsa hay (which they delighted in squishing) just hope it was warm enuff.

Laters all
I close the rain cover too if it is chilly at night or risk of rain. The thermal cover is just as useful in summer as it keeps the heat out when it's hot and in when it's cold.
I was looking into buying one of those but after multiple email two and fro about sizes he just stopped emailing me. So I gave up in the end.As didn't want to persue as he had low feedback. May look into it again closer to the winter. Pics would be nice :)
I emailed at first, but the measurements I submitted seemed so odd that one of his staff rang me to check on them, and I ended up with the tape in one hand and the phone in the other. Try ringing them instead..I found them so helpful...:)