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Rattie Transport Needed!


Warren Scout
I have had an excellent offer for a home for two homes in Scotland. (I know it sounds ridiculous, but please keep reading!)

Two of the rats offered a home are a bad abuse case and the new owner is really very happy to give them lots of love and patience. She is also looking to adopt a rather squishy neutered buck that we have here. She lives in Glasgow.

The other rat is for someone who lives in Aberdeen...another neutered buck.

We are in Surrey though! I know that bunny transport has been sorted through this board before now (for four of my own hard to rehome rabbits) and was wondering that if someone was travelling up North then they could help out get these boys and girls to their new pad?

If there is anyway that anyone can help out with this unusual request then please contact me!!!

Janice and I are meeting Cheryl (Sprowson) next week. If ratties can be got to us we can get them to Cheryl - if someone can take from there. At least they'll be going north!