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Rabbit scared of slightest sound


New Kit
Hi :wave:

I'm new and wanted to ask a question that I could not find the answer to anywhere :( and a little worried.
My bunny toffee he's nearly 2 now I got him from a rescue for my female neutered bunny smudge as I think it's wrong when I went out during the day to leave her alone.
Anyway I got him and he was fine happy lovely bun and then we took him to the vet to get his snip also as he kept leaving us nice presents haha! Ever since he hates being in a carrier and over gradual time he's become more frightened to the slightest movement. They both have a large c&c cage in my bedroom tons of toys lots of veg every morning treats some times I really do spoil him but it's as if he's become frightened. It's not loud in my room it's really quite unless the TV is on and that's always low. It's like he feels what ever he's doing is wrong and ill shout at him which I won't :( he's good as gold don't chew on my stuff only on his toys and boxes he's really well behaved to be honest. And he's always out every day for at least 6 hours even if they don't want to come out the doors open. But lately he don't seem to want to come out either. My other rabbit don't do it at all and she's terrible haha chews everything digs all the time. Even when she's doing something naughty she will look at me while doing it haha! I just don't understand why he flinches at the slightest noise? Could he have bad eyesight so his hearing has increased? He's also become very grumpy when I clean his cage he stomps his feet and goes for me and growls so my fiancé does that haha when I give him treats he snatches nearly biting my finger off :( and when I put his food in he goes for me. I just don't understand why over time he's become like this? I'm going to take him to the vet next week as my other bun needs her jab and nails done anyway but I'm just little worried about him. He loves strokes and sitting next to me I never dare pick him up because he gets so frightened. So as you can tell its becoming a problem to take him outside into the run :/ which now I feel was a waste of money. Sorry for the long essay but does anyone have any advice or have the same problem? I want him to be happy and not think I'm going to give him anyway I'm unsure how many homes he's had but he has one here that loves him and I want him to know that :(

Thanks x
I think taking him to the vets to rule out pain/illness is a good idea. Other than that I would keep things quiet, and spend time with them by sitting quietly on the floor, reading or something, not trying to interact with them, he may get curious then. Try hand feeding them their ration of pellets. I've found with nervous bunnies they usually improve once they realise that you = food :lol:
they grow out of it. in matthew's first year, bonfire night really upset him (despite being a houserabbit, and with his sister who didn't seem to mind much) and he didn't forgive me for days (it was obviously all my fault that guy fawkes got up to no good and inadvertently started a tradition that led to matthew rabbit being scared ;)) but now I can accidentally step on one of those huge popping-plastic-pillow things, causing an horrific noise, and he doesn't bat an eyelid. he does, however, object to any music by Lorde, which causes him to thump furiously.

so they get used to noise. mainly.
I think taking him to the vet is a good idea, best make sure there's no medical reason behind his current nervousness :). My buck was also a little nervous after his op. He became very resistant to being picked up and put in his carrier. He hated Young Vets being on the tv, he thumped at everyone then hid behind the settee! He soon returned to his old self though minus his pre neutering bad habits!

I find having the carrier out around my bunnies helps, means it is not such a scary thing when they see it.

I only got my buck in May and my doe for less than 2 weeks so I'm sure there are more experienced people on here who can offer more suggestions :)
I would definitely suggest having his eyesight checked as my blind bunny was very nervous and startled easily. As he's got older he's adapted to it and its now no different to any other bunny, but it was really unsettling for him at first.
When you say taking him out to his run, is that in your room or somewhere else?