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Rabbit diet help!!!!!


Young Bun
Okay so chloe is 12 weeks old
The pet shop told me at 1 year i should gradually introduce her to timothy hay and all these websites are giving different times and months to introduce timothy hay at what age should i introduce timothy hay??? !!! Help!!!!

And also when i introduce timothy what do i do about her pellets?? do i get a new type of pellets? or do i increase and decrease them..
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You don't need to gradually introduce hay, it should be the main part of a rabbits diet. What are you feeding your rabbit at the moment. You should cut down the pellets gradually so that she eats more hay. The recommended amount of pellets is an egg cup but since your rabbit is young you should give it more.
Chloe can have both timothy and alfalfa hay right now. And meadow hay too. Great mountains of the stuff.

The things that need more gradual introduction are more senior pellets or veggies. You don't need to do this with hay.
Chloe eats
Alfalfa hay summer sweet / a handful of it in comparison to her body size
pellets essentials young rabbit food / a egg cup
They need to eat at least their body size if not more of hay a day ;-) meadow hay is often used as normal hay and timothy, alfalfa etc added.
Long stalky hay is great for pushing the fibres through their gut so the longer strands and stalkier the better - but of course the smaller soft hay is fine too but just ensure stalky hay is given.