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Post 54: AND THE WINNER IS..... Dressed Knitted Bunny Fund Raiser for Pledge a Pound

We have knickers!!!! :lol:


I love her knickers - does Lady Jane approve of them:D
I must have missed this! I shall send £2 now. Sorry its not more, just a bit skint at the moment, but I'll have one entry! :wave:
We have a winner!

I asked Lady Jane to do the draw......she was otherwise occupied.....

Lady Jane: Go away, I'm busy.

Lady Jane: I'm practising for when I am the Queen of all Rabbits. This is my throne.

Lady Jane: If you want the draw done you can do it yourself. I will supervise.
(Click to see video)

And the winner is (it's a bit blurry in the video):

Congratulations, Bunnymadhouse :wave:
Congratulations bunnymadhouse. :wave:

I know the expression on the first photo VERY well indeed. Different gender, eye and fur colour, but the very same expression. :lol:
Congratulations to Bunnymadhouse:wave: and a big thank you to Sara and Lady Jane for organising this fundraiser:D

The total raised is £34.00