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Poppy's pics in head colar look!!

Hi I told you yesterday that i would try to take a couple of pic's of poppy in her collar and bandage well here they are on her .

when I got her back this morrning this is how she looks now. at the moment poss until monday when she is going for her check up again.



they gave her a pink bandage she looks funny in this espeshily when she's hopping around out side of her cage. they gave her a bonet look around her head.:lol:
Poppy makes me laugh any way but her like this it's funny to. :)

1 question do you think her bandage is a bit tight looking around her waist ?

I think she will need a good bath after this ordeal .

but how do you bath a rabbit obversly not in a bath or sink as she could drown. i was thinking of bathing her in a washing up bowl and useing a rabbit shampoo on her coat to get rid of the urin stain on her back end .

any ideas welcome ? ;)

also i think she is having problems trying to eat out of her food bowl. i have filled it high with pellets which she eats. but she seems to be finding it difficult i think. she's trying to scoop up the pellets in her bonet to try and eat this way. she has hay and a little straw in her hay basket in the cage.

drinking out of her water bottle seems ok .

also I have not seen any of her dropings yet on the floor i know i have only just got her back today from the vets but should i be worrid about this or not ?

although as long as she is drinking water from her bottle to keep her kidneys going it should be ok or not ?

Hi Ali thanks for the vibes they are beeing received.
I thought I was going to burst into tears when I first got told of what she looked like. and when i saw her through her carrier box to bring her home again i thought i was going to cry then when i looked through the holes in her box .

my first impreshions was I thought she had been in a road traffic accedent by the way she looked in those bandages. she has i think stiches under her bandages. so it's hopefuly the 4th and final lot of these stiched back on her. :roll: i only hope .

any way enjoy her looking a bit sorry for her self. she's normaly a regal and very clean bunny unlike now as she is a bit grubby looking due to her wareing a collar and bandages .

me and my mum think it's her own silly fault she's ended up having to wear a collar around her regal and pretty head we say she's a silly bunny for undoing her stiches 3 times in 1 week since her op last fri 1st june.
oh well she will proberly rember next time not to undo the stiches when they are sewn into her .
after this.

1 question again sorry would a scar form when the wound has properly healed ?

New to the forum but I remember being told by my vet when Rascal was spayed that it is not a good thing if rabbits don't pee or poo. Because of the way their guts work, there should always be food moving through so if there's none coming out the other end there's a problem.

After Rascal was spayed she stopped going for a couple of days, but all she needed was an extra painkilling injection to sort her out - apparently their guts are the first thing affected by stress, pain etc.

Good luck & hope your bunny recovers soon,

Laura x.
I had Phoebee spayed on Friday so she's convalescing at the moment. I was waiting for the wee and poo's last night and she only seemed to pass a couple. She's been drinking loads and she had a pain killing jab when she left the vets, so she did eat a bit of greens and two dandelion leaves. I'm having to give her pain relief twice a day which is a task, but she does seem to be eating a bit more today. I'd suggest you get back intouch with the vet if you're concerned her guts aren't moving, it could be she's still in a bit of pain.
Bless her in her little lamp shade and pink bandage!! Here's hoping she's eating and pooping for you by this am, (if not then I would ring and have a chat with your vet and see what they suggest to do.) I've had to wash bunnies bums before now and I've used the bathroom sink and just put their back ends in about 2" of water. They wont drown if you dont fill it too full :shock: It's hard to get rid of the yellow urine stain on rabbits fur, especially white rabbits and you might have to give her a good clean but wait til she moults the old fur out before she's really white again.

As for her scar, I'd say at a guess she will have one but by the time her fur has grown back around it I doubt you'll notice it. :D