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Poppett Mary- the end of a ledgend


Mama Doe
Her story started here on RU so it only seems fitting i return and let you all know that we lost our angel despite not having a pasturella flare up in months her E.C. returned and took her from us.

Poppett our wonky angel forever and ever shall our hearts be yours xxxx

"My heart has joined the Thousand for my friend stopped running today."
Poppett, nothing i say will explain how i feel after losing you.
from day one you had a rough start but we could see the fight in your eyes and we knew we had to fight with you.
you blossomed into the most beautiful little rabbit and had us wrapped around your velveteen paws.
As i held you in my arms for our last snuggle, i knew you wanted to say your last goodbyes. goodnight my sunshine princess i love you dearly and i hope your body can now be whole again and your heart is with your one true love brian. goodnight princess xxxxx
I was so sad to see this :cry: Poppett was such a beauty. May she be enjoying green fields, sunshine and friendship at the Rainbow.
(((((((((Huge hugs)))))))))) for you. xxxx
I am so sorry your friend stopped running, my sympathies are with you, binky free Poppet
Thanlyou all its nice to see a few who followed our journey see it too an end.
Its safe to say we are lost without her. we had so many plans for our future based on her too.
Poppy your hole in my heart is still as big as the day you left us.
Your flowers wont grow i wish that they would.
love you velvet shadow xxxxxxxxxxxx