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Poor Agouti Bunnies U/D new pics p32

Awww... I love agouti bunnies so much!! If my circumstances were different I'd be beating down your door for them. :(
I love agouti bunnies too! :love:

Personally I think it's because they're considered too "normal" or even "boring" by people looking for a first time rabbit. Who wants an "everyday" rabbit when there's unsual ginger ones and fancy herliquin ones with their unique markings? It's a shame but just from speaking to people I know who aren't really into bunnies they'd rather opt for a more interseting "statement" bunny than your average run of the mill wild type one.

Definatly not my views though and I do apprecaite it sounds like I'm describing a handbag as opposed to a real life creature, but it's just the impression I get from people around me :(
I love agoutis. I was going to take one when we got Eli but after seeing he was poorly I just couldn't leave him there.
I love agouti bunnies too! :love:

Personally I think it's because they're considered too "normal" or even "boring" by people looking for a first time rabbit. Who wants an "everyday" rabbit when there's unsual ginger ones and fancy herliquin ones with their unique markings? It's a shame but just from speaking to people I know who aren't really into bunnies they'd rather opt for a more interseting "statement" bunny than your average run of the mill wild type one.

Definatly not my views though and I do apprecaite it sounds like I'm describing a handbag as opposed to a real life creature, but it's just the impression I get from people around me :(

I think that really is how a lot of people see it. To so many people, they are just "cute" living teddy bears.

A friend of mine the other day said how she wanted a tortoise because "it would be quite cool to have one, but they dont really do much do they". I am really not sure how serious she was.
A friend of mine the other day said how she wanted a tortoise because "it would be quite cool to have one, but they dont really do much do they". I am really not sure how serious she was.

I've said something incredibly similar myself actually :lol:
I saw some long tailed lizards and I really really wanted one just because they're cool. But then I realised in the time I'd stood there looking at them they hadn't really entertained me more than a photograph would.
I've said something incredibly similar myself actually :lol:
I saw some long tailed lizards and I really really wanted one just because they're cool. But then I realised in the time I'd stood there looking at them they hadn't really entertained me more than a photograph would.

Well, I've probably had the same thought but at the end of the day its a commitment and a responsibility and these animals deserve a loving home where they can be themselves - rather than being a plaything or a status symbol, which was more my interpretation of what she was saying.
Well, I've probably had the same thought but at the end of the day its a commitment and a responsibility and these animals deserve a loving home where they can be themselves - rather than being a plaything or a status symbol, which was more my interpretation of what she was saying.

I know a lot of people who want an unusual pet to make them seem that little bit more "wild". :roll:
We have an agouti male in at the moment, and also a pair of black males :( We also have a plain grey and a plain REW bunny that have been here for around a year i think :(

My Ronnie is agouti and is stunning :love: If only i had more space x
My brother isn't really interested in my harlequin, Daphne, he loves Lucy because she looks like a wild bun (although she isn't agouti just browny-ginger) and Castiel even though he's black :( I suppose it's different really though because they are my pets so he knows their personalities, if he was just going off looks he might choose a 'patterned' bun.
There should definately be an agouti appreciation thread :love:

New pics of the agoutis!





I loovvveeee Agouti Bunnies!! :love::love::love::love:
My bridge bun Skeeter was an Agouti bun. I miss him tons.
It is a shame they are overlooked.
I love agouti bunny ...I lost my only one a few month back I used to call her my true looking bunny..I wonder if my group would accept a baby? as there more than enough room to add more into it they are in a 8 by 6 shed with a large 12footby 6 foot run attached with there own outside warren
:love: I have always liked them as they are "natural" looking. I now have one by default (someone's daughter.......usual story). She is the most delightful bunny, so gentle and wants company. Currently trying to bond her with my other two.:roll:
I love my Agouti bunny!!!

Tibbsy was a present from my OH - he decided on her "because she looks like a proper rabbit", and I love her to bits!! Someone else has said it, but she is the perfect mix of stroppy narkiness and smoochy cuddle-bun!

Here she is:
