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platform in kennel - how high for bunnies


Mama Doe
Hi all,

we're trying to get the new bunny kennel sorted out before getting our two new buns. Of course with the luck I've been having that hasn't gone to plan either. The company have made a second hole and a platform, which I asked for, but they've placed it higher up than I was expecting. Its about 80 CM up. I think its too high for buns to be safe, but I'm wondering if I'm being paranoid or just sensible? Plan is to make some sort of doors to the platform area and I've made a structure in the run part out of those stackable cube storge system panels to lessen the drop under the ramp.

its like this one:

It never ends...
Don't worry - we planned to do all kinds of things today in terms of getting our bunny set-up up and running but after all the lovely weather it decides to rain, rain, rain on our one day off together! :roll:

We managed to get some bits done but not nearly as much as hoped for (and we got very wet so that I even seem to have ended up with some sort of chill!) so you have my sympathies if things don't seem to be going to plan!

Regarding the platform; it does seem to be a bit high to me - I'm planning on a 20" high shelf (approx. 50cm) so that they can easily jump up and down.

You could have a second shelf going the opposite way instead of a ramp? Or maybe use the Cube Grids to make a 'fence' for safety along the edge of the shelf?

If you post a pic maybe you'll get more ideas!

Oh and congrats on getting such a fantastic set-up! :wave:
Hi KitKat

Me again.

My platform is approx 50cm but it was becoming a problem for one of my bunnies. I now do not have a ramp leading to the run area. They need to use the shelves in the kennel area to get up and down. It seems to be working a treat and has also freed up some space in the run area. Here is a photo of the kennel area ... I have put a little fence across the top shelf just incase they rolled off in their sleep of something. Don't worry you will get there. Spent a good few weekends modifying it to make it just right for the spoilt buns. Good luck :p

Thanks! Your shelf is definitely lower than the one the put in mine even though I sent them a link to your piccies! Sigh! :roll:
Hi KitKat

Me again.

My platform is approx 50cm but it was becoming a problem for one of my bunnies. I now do not have a ramp leading to the run area. They need to use the shelves in the kennel area to get up and down. It seems to be working a treat and has also freed up some space in the run area. Here is a photo of the kennel area ... I have put a little fence across the top shelf just incase they rolled off in their sleep of something. Don't worry you will get there. Spent a good few weekends modifying it to make it just right for the spoilt buns. Good luck :p


Well I've been using your set-up for inspiration too - good to know your shelf is the same height as I plan to fit. :)