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Probably wouldn't hurt to eat but not something I'd feed deliberately. How about pea shoots? Buy a packet of pea seeds (lots of garden centres have seed sales atm). Plant a few in a pot (bout an inch apart). When they get 4-6" pinch the tops off and feed. Tastes like peas but better for them :D
Probably wouldn't hurt to eat but not something I'd feed deliberately. How about pea shoots? Buy a packet of pea seeds (lots of garden centres have seed sales atm). Plant a few in a pot (bout an inch apart). When they get 4-6" pinch the tops off and feed. Tastes like peas but better for them :D

thanks for that! i'll give it a try (maybe put seeds on my christmas list, cheap and usefull gift in these hard times!)

M&S sells pea shoots in the salad leave section for 99p! My lizards love it but flower isn`t keen on them.
Probably wouldn't hurt to eat but not something I'd feed deliberately. How about pea shoots? Buy a packet of pea seeds (lots of garden centres have seed sales atm). Plant a few in a pot (bout an inch apart). When they get 4-6" pinch the tops off and feed. Tastes like peas but better for them :D

Oooh. Thanks Tamsin, I was looking for something else I could grow inside for them during the winter. I had thought of sunflower seeds (sprouted from unhulled bird seed). I've tried alfalfa sprouts as they're incredibly easy to grow, but the picky b******s don't like them (neither do the guinea-pigs and I thought guinea-pigs scoffed anything!).
:lol: fussy bunnies.

You can do quite a few things inside. This time of year when there isn't a lot of sun they might grow more slowly or get a bit leggy but if it's just to feed to rabbits they won't mind. Try rocket, spinach etc. You can also grow carrots, there are golf ball shaped ones that don't need deep pots or just grow normal ones, they won't grow much in the way of carrots but you should get fresh tops to pick. Herbs are good too :)