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Young Bun
Hi all :) Just wanted your opinion on feeding parsnip. I've only found one or two sources that say this is ok, but when I was out browsing yesterday I came across a parsnip and I think beetroot? mix treat bag, these tiny dried cubed veggie snacks. They're rabbit friendly, but out of precaution I've never really fed mine on parsnips.
Also interested to know if you don't feed parsnip to your bun buns how comes :) Tis interesting to get different opinions on this.
Parsnips [was Doodee but hey she is a little strange on her good days] loves the stuff.
I only give her thin slivers of the stuff as its about the only food that she will come for and about the only bribe, reward for not ripping the lounge apart I have.
If she could get at a whole one she would pig out.

Teasel was offered parsnips and turned her back on me demanding the staff supplied her with beetroot instead.

I avoid the prepped veggie snacks- Alice after she found those things existed managed to run me up a £1k+ vet bill just to try and sort her guts out. Most commercial treats contain foods that buns should not really have so check the ingredients. I use fresh veggies instead and buy the best hay with dried herbs/flowers as a treat for my buns instead.
I'm a new rabbit granny (strictly speaking my children are the parents), so I've been trying little bits of different fresh veg. Mine didn't like parsnip at all. I tried it twice but haven't offered it to them again. They both seem to love spring greens, (the dark outer leaves), basil, parsley, corriander and a small carrot once or twice a week. I love it when they sniff what I'm offering them for supper and then tuck in with relish. It's really disapointing when they turn their noses up at something - I feel I've failed!
I posted about Parsnip a while ago and discovered only a few buns, if any like it:? My two LOVE the stuff and get really excited when they think they are getting a bit. I only give them a very small slice though :)
Thanks :D Curiousity overcame me ultimately so I cut a little bit off and offered it to them..they turned their noses up and sat glaring at the parsnip for a bit :lol:
Eventually Pickle got curious and ate his bit, I took my eye off the ball for a second and lost the second piece..I think Pickle ate the second bit tbh despite my attempts to thwart him. Will try another little chunk for both of them either tomorrow or Thursday and see what happens, I'm dead curious.
Thanks again :D
do wonder that maybe it doesn't smell very nice to buns but if they are brave and have a lick they decide it tastes great! :lol:
Mine eat parsnips! Mine eat anything though...

I think like carrots, they should be given sparingly (if you're buns like them, obviously!) cos they're relatively high in sugar for a vegetable.
