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Our new palace in progress

Oh wow that is awsome!! That fab home they have.

*counts the years until kidsleave home for spare room* :lol:

Do the buns play on the kids slide thing?
After seeing this in the flesh so to speak it is amazing the pics do not do justice to the actual size of the pens. It is amazing:love: oh and zoe has forgotten to tell you about the bunny west wing, sorry i mean playroom which is in progress!!!!!:lol::shock:
After seeing this in the flesh so to speak it is amazing the pics do not do justice to the actual size of the pens. It is amazing:love: oh and zoe has forgotten to tell you about the bunny west wing, sorry i mean playroom which is in progress!!!!!:lol::shock:

Hahaha! Thanks Michelle, yes the west wing will be revealed at some point! It's on hold at the moment as we are waiting for carpets, decorating, sofas, wardrobes, wood burning stoves and lord knows what else to arrive at the house. Unfortunately the west wing is filled with junk! :lol: :lol:

And you're right, the pics really do not so it justice!
that is fantastic u are so lucky to have a room like that, :? might have to throw the kids out to make more space for wabbits!!:lol::lol:
thanks for all your lovely comments, the monsters are very happy in their room - running about like nutters! :lol:
What lucky, lucky bun buns. You never know, with them being able to see each other there may still be a glimmer of hope for bonding in a couple of months time? ;)
I've just found this post .. just to remind me of how lucky Scrumpie was.
He's sat nearest the camera on the last photo!

Love you Scrumps x