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Older rabbits looking for a forever home - more pictures


Wise Old Thumper
Animal Rescue and Care have just taken in a group of 6 rabbits who will shortly be looking for a new home.

Sophie is 4 years old and the daughter of Clover, Sophie was neutered on Wednesday 27th October

Mo is also 4 years old and the daughter of Clover, Mo was neutered on Wednesday 27th October

Charlie a male, the only 4 year old son of Clover who has been neutered a while ago.

Milie who is a 4 year old, Clovers daughter, neutered Thursday 27th October.

Holly another 4 year old daughter of Clover, who was neutered on Wednesday 26th October.

Clover an 8 year old female who is the mother of the above, Clover is not neutered and it is felt that neutering would present an unnecessary risk to her health due to her age.

For more information please contact Donna on 020 8755 1807 or pm donna-arc or contact ARC via the website http://www.animalrescueandcare.org.uk/animals.asp?t=1 ARC have many rabbits whom are currently looking for a home and are expecting a number of new additions to their family in the coming week.

Hiya Janice,

Are they living together or in pairs - just so people know if they are looking to match up an older bun :)

These buns are currently living together as a group, Donna has said that there are bouts of bickering between a few of them. For this reason they would be better off going to forever homes as smaller groups or as individual rabbits to be paired up with another rabbit of the opposite sex. ARC are happy to start the pairing up with your own rabbit if you would like us to do this for you.

They will not be rehomed as single rabbits.

I presume this is the set that came from the Portishead region - that were originally advertised on freeads?

What happened to the other one - according to the advert there was also a 1yr old rabbit as well?
I believe they are the same rabbits, Donna mentioned that they came from the freeads, there were meant to be originally 8 rabbits, a group of 6 and a pair. Donna said that the person who handed them over had rehomed one from the pair. I haven't got photo's of the other one who is now by itself as these were all taken to the vets as a group on Wednesday so that they could be all kept together even though some were being neutered on Wednesday and the rest today. As you can tell from the photo's they were all taken at the vets :D

They are all gorgeous! Clover looks like she has a bit of hare type genetics, very long front legs and long thin ears!
I have only met them down the vet when I dropped off a piggie for neutering and Donna arrived with all of them, they seemed very easy to hold, a couple of them are quite big bunnies whilst the others were a lot smaller in size. Donna is trying to work out the dynamics amongst the group.

just thought i would add a few new piccies of the group that donna has taken in!

clover, ARCs oldest girlie bun...





sorry i did get one of millie out on the grass but she moved once i had taken the pic and it has come up funny on the computer!

Thought I'd better say that these bunnies don't really get on as a big group so we are going to home them into male/female pairs.
Sophie has gone off to live with Harvey an old boy we homed last year. His partner died so his mum came back to us for a new partner for him.
awww!! there all so cute!! id love to give Charlie and Holly a home, but i probly wouldnt be allowed!! are any of them bonded??

xxxxx :p
They are all living together but the girls do bicker - so I think they'd be better off separated and with a boyfriend each - Charlie is fine with them all.