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NIC panels


Warren Veteran
Ok we are having to move Jimby and Cookie in to the little 'baby' room in a months time due to needing to have baby in with us when he is born so we want to move them and give them time to adjust before he arrives. Anyway we are hoping to be able to build them a pen so that they have more or less free range in that room apart from bed time but havign a lot of trouble finding the NIC cubes. We got the interlocking shoe organiser panels last time which were great and that is what we have built there cage out of they measure 14''X14'' so would be looking for the same measurements really.
Any idea where we can find them?
b and q have them sometimes
you can only collect them from store though and it's a case of checking regularly to see if they have them in your nearest store :)
Can you not just let them have free range in that room all the time?
My two have their own bedroom :)
Sugar - there's only 7 left - there were about 50 a few weeks back - I'm saving up for them! Don't buy them all hahah!
I got the Seville organiser cubes (like they used to sell on Amazon) at Costco for around £10. It costs about £25 to join Costco and you have to be in certain professions, though I would think a rescue could join (as schools etc can). I have often thought that a good money raiser would be for rescues to buy a few boxes of the Seville cubes and sell them on at a bit of profit.
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Can you not just let them have free range in that room all the time?
My two have their own bedroom :)

We thought about doing this to be honest but they are a bit nibbly and would probably chew the skirting board and walls if left to it free range which is why we are going to enclose slightly with the panels.
Plus, we have a house cat so need the extra security to be honest just in case he did get in!
Sorry I've just had a thought..do you use the black pvc plastic connectors that come with them or do you use something different to tie them together?

I'm not 100% but I remember seeing that most people attach them with those ties (you'll need to get a lot extra though obviously :roll:) and then snip the end off. Have the 'sharp' leftover bit pointing outwards :) Cross them over too, for extra security. As in an X shape :D
Although the B&Q ones are still listed on the website, if you do a postcode check it should show you the stock in your area. I checked mine (east kent) and there aren't any at all in our 5 nearest stores.
Sorry I've just had a thought..do you use the black pvc plastic connectors that come with them or do you use something different to tie them together?

I used the connectors (ours were grey) and then about three cable ties on each 'join'. They would occasionally chew off the odd cable tie here and there though.