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New House Rabbit Behaviour Issues


Young Bun
I recently got a new rabbit, rescued her from some folks who didn't want her anymore. Grandkids lost interest, you know the story. Anyway, the previous owner used to smack her when she got a little owly, which she does because she doesn't much like hands in her cage.

I know hitting a rabbit is wrong, I would never do it. But since they did, she's a bit growly and bitey when it comes to hands in her cage.

She's also a Netherlands Dwarf, so I know they can be a bit ornery.

What can I do to help her get used to me?

Also, any name suggestions would be great. She's black.
Oh My Goodness - The poor sweetheart!!! :cry: So Glad you have her now :) Try sitting next to her cage with the door open, and just chat to her gently, I wouldnt try and touch her or anything yet. Let her start trusting you, and you'll soon have her right, poor mite. Shes very lucky to have a new family who'll look after her right Xx
It's quite common for female rabbits to be territorial of their cage. The boxing/lunching behaviour is designed for defending a tunnel which wild female rabbits would do. Because it's related to hormones, spaying usually helps reduce it. Otherwise I'd recommend you teach her to come out of the cage herself so you can interact on more neutral territory which she'll probably be fine on.

For getting to know each other I'd suggest you sit or lie down somewhere and let her investigate you. Ignoring her and letting her come to you is the best way to make friends :)

Thanks guys, this information will come in handy.

I can't let her just come out since the cage only opens at the top but I can take her out with me. Since she's going to be put in and out every night when she's litterbox trained anyway, she'll have to get used to that.
I feel I have to stick up for nethies here :wink: I have three, and all are of a lovely temperament ( in fact, Squidgy is more like a puppy than a rabbit, he's so friendly!)
I agree with Tamsin about the spaying. Also, just letting her get used to you, on her terms. Buns are very curious and it won't be long before she's climbing all over you!
just as a bit of encouragement here . We have 2 rescue nethies in here and when they first came they behaved just like that . we have had them a couple of months now and they have been with a lovely fosterer who has spent lots of time and gentle handling and patience with them and they are far , far better . They are still junpy but quite happy to be cuddled and stroked...when they want it .

so keep at it ....patience, gentle treatment ...oh and nice healthy treats work too .
and good luck :D

Hand feeding can work well too - tasty treats that are a good length (!) as then the rabbit associates you and hands with something good! Worked a treat when I had a nervous foster bun last month- within about 5 days I could stroke her gently for a couple of seconds without her looking so worried!

Smack a rabbit !!! Oh my god sick Ba**ards!! What is wrong with people??

It;s going to take you a while to gain your buns trust..
I have a rescue bun she's a very nervous girl, I dread to think what her owner did to her before she came here..
I gave my Molly space when she came here, I took no notice off her until she was ready to come to me.. She now comes to her mummy for love & cuddles & thats been less than 4 weeks .. My hubby she really loves & he's :love: her...
My children are 10 & 6 & they are so good with her they never go upto to her she comes upto them if she wants attention. .
Our Bunnies are mine & my hubbys babies though we just love them so much.
Well done for taking in your bun at least now she's safe with you.
She will learn to love you ..
Karen x
Thanks everyone...it's a bit tough getting her out and about right now it's New Years and we have people staying with us, but hopefully once things settle down I can really get to know her.

And by the way, I have another Nethy too a ruby eyed white. She's the most darling rabbit in the world.

I just read that Netherlands, as a generalization, tend to be more ornery than some rabbits and that it makes them unsuitable as a children's pet.

I think Netherlands are great but you have to be gentle with them, you can't be grabby and pushy like a child might be if they aren't shown properly how to handle a rabbit.

Hi my name is justine, i am new to this site but maybe i can help. I got a female lop from a garden centre where i dont think that she was well looked after and was unproachable. I tried all the things that i read in books but i found in thew end the best thing was patience. I sat infront of the her for about a week or so and then i tried it with the hutch door open for a while.
I then started to place my hand inside the hutch without approaching her but letting her no that everything was ok. Then slowly but surely she started to come round to the fact that i was not going to hurt her. She is now the sweetest bunny and has a litter of four kits.She a different bunny to the one that i got. Maybe the slowest way but it is definately the best way.
As for the name thing, how about COSMOS, you cant get blacker than that. Happy new year and hope you and your bunny become good friends

Hi my name is justine, i am new to this site but maybe i can help. I got a female lop from a garden centre where i dont think that she was well looked after and was unproachable. I tried all the things that i read in books but i found in thew end the best thing was patience. I sat infront of the her for about a week or so and then i tried it with the hutch door open for a while.
I then started to place my hand inside the hutch without approaching her but letting her no that everything was ok. Then slowly but surely she started to come round to the fact that i was not going to hurt her. She is now the sweetest bunny and has a litter of four kits.She a different bunny to the one that i got. Maybe the slowest way but it is definately the best way.
As for the name thing, how about COSMOS, you cant get blacker than that. Happy new year and hope you and your bunny become good friends