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new bunny arriving, please let her be healthy! Pics p 20

Sure! That'd be neat! Which site is it? You can PM me the details if you don't want to post in thread.

The pinching sweets reminds me of a bun on my other rabbit site here who would make off with chewing gum, antacids and cough drops...not all at once, mind!
He's at the bridge now :( I believe he had E.C.
I wonder if certain medical conditions in rabbits make them more prone to Pica? :? Like what BYB was saying about carpet fibers and such.

Oh dear...After Eights...haven't had any of those in awhile...now I've got a craving! :shock:
I understand what you mean about the weaning them off treats. Before I knew better I used to give Mimzy those yogurt drops for bunnies (in my defense, OH bought them for him and fed quite a few) until I realized it was as good as giving him a slice of bacon every day. :(
He probably doesn't remember them now. I felt so bad about it. :(

What is Pica ?:oops:

I used to know this chinchilla expert and he had to wean a chinchilla, who was keep in a bird cage before it was rescued, off a sweet breakfast cereal, honey puffs and crisps. It was the crisps he had the hardest time trying to wean him/her off.

My mind boggles at what a bunny would do with chewing gum. :shock:
Pica is an eating fixation having to do with consuming mostly non-edible items. Pregnant women go through it with their cravings.
I had a dog who would eat plastic toys. :X
I realize that most bunnies eat things like wires, carpet and baseboard because that is part of their 'warren building' programming, but I often wonder if they find things like carpet akin to the fiber they would need for digestive issues?
Pip once began unraveling a terrycloth towel I had put on top of her pen to help block the summer light at night, I had to pull it away from her and it was a long string of material by that point, had I not seen it she might have choked. :(
It was a scary moment. She gets nothing fabric at all near her habitat anymore. I think she thinks she's a goat. :shock:
Pica is an eating fixation having to do with consuming mostly non-edible items. Pregnant women go through it with their cravings.
I had a dog who would eat plastic toys. :X
I realize that most bunnies eat things like wires, carpet and baseboard because that is part of their 'warren building' programming, but I often wonder if they find things like carpet akin to the fiber they would need for digestive issues?
Pip once began unraveling a terrycloth towel I had put on top of her pen to help block the summer light at night, I had to pull it away from her and it was a long string of material by that point, had I not seen it she might have choked. :(
It was a scary moment. She gets nothing fabric at all near her habitat anymore. I think she thinks she's a goat. :shock:

Thanks. Yes like a goat eating everything.

I think most buns enjoy ripping carpet up. Certainly with Mr Bennett he would rip it up with his teeth but didn't often see him eat it. If you leave anything on the floor it gets chewed but if its not on the floor he won't seek it out. I wonder if some of it is to do with having been original free and wild animals, not that long ago. Part of it is an outdoor instinct.
Sure! That'd be neat! Which site is it? You can PM me the details if you don't want to post in thread.

The pinching sweets reminds me of a bun on my other rabbit site here who would make off with chewing gum, antacids and cough drops...not all at once, mind!
He's at the bridge now :( I believe he had E.C.
I wonder if certain medical conditions in rabbits make them more prone to Pica? :? Like what BYB was saying about carpet fibers and such.

Oh dear...After Eights...haven't had any of those in awhile...now I've got a craving! :shock:
I understand what you mean about the weaning them off treats. Before I knew better I used to give Mimzy those yogurt drops for bunnies (in my defense, OH bought them for him and fed quite a few) until I realized it was as good as giving him a slice of bacon every day. :(
He probably doesn't remember them now. I felt so bad about it. :(

Will pm you :wave: I would be more than happy to send you some fenugreek crunchies. I have sent fibreplex to a member in the US before so it shouldn't be a problem :D