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Neutered Twiglet chasing and humping his cagemate!


Young Bun
Is there a point i should seperate them?? :? when she cant be bothered running or shes eating, he'll start humping her! its not all the time and they totally adore eachother, i assume its because its spring and some things never really go after neutering but i dont want her to feel too bothered by him, he was quite the stud in the shelter...before they gave him the snip he used to dive on volunteers and hump their leg, yikes! :roll: she doesnt seem to care but yknow, what would you guys do?
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I would just keep an eye on them and hopefully it will die down soon! You should be able to tell if she is getting stressed.
how much space do they have? if there is enough room for her to get away if she wants to and places for her to hide to be away from him then she should be fine :) also lots of distractions to keep him occupied may help!
Do they have a large attached run to play in - just wonder whether he is bored?

How long ago was your girl spayed?
If she ignores it then you should too. If it results in constant chasing then you could just give her a break by taking him away for a minute.