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Netty Noodles - My Heart has Broken Now you are Gone

Thank you for your sympathies.

It's just so wrong. She only had three months with us after coming from this............. (for those who don't know the story - a breeder providing stock for pet shops)


That's Netty in the top hutch looking out


to this..................



I thank my lucky stars that she had her three months, some of the bunnies that came out of that squalid place lasted less than that.

This bunny has touched me in a way that I've never known before.

Her passing away must not be in vain, and I will make it my business to use her story to try and stop bunnies being bred for pet shops.
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Gorgeous bunny and so lucky to have that time with you.
Binky free Netty.
I'm so sorry she's gone :cry:
I'm sure she was grateful for the three happy months that she had with you xx
sending big hugs your way, like another poster said this has brought a tear to my eye

binky free netty, the sunshine is all yours x
My heart goes out to you Helen, I know how you felt about Netty. She was an absolute sweetheart and I'm just thankful that of all the places she could have ended up, it was with you and these three months will have been happier for her than many bunnies know in a lifetime. She knew love, life, peace and companionship with you & David and I just hope the hole she's left will fill up again with the love you had for her.

Hugs for you and David, and of course Cookie xxxxxxxx
I am so sorry Helen. She was a beautiful bunny. Thank you for giving her a wonderful three months.

Thinking of you at this sad time.

Sleep tight Netty Noodles xx
Life can be incredibly cruel at times Helen :cry:

I am so, so sorry that Netty didn't have longer with you to enjoy her life as it should have always have been :cry:

Binky free Netty, sleep tight poppet xxxx
Thank you all. I still can't quite believe that she isn't there when I go out to their wendy house. I've had cuddles with Cookie today but I know he has no idea what is happening to him - lost two wives in 2 months. He was with Netty all day yesterday so he does actually know she has gone - I hope it helps him to adjust.

I just want my Netty back.
I am so sorry Nettle had such a short time with you.:(

The sense of loss is so much greater when you see their lives turned around, only to have them taken too soon.

Rest well Nettle, you have touched many hearts.:love:
Her passing away must not be in vain, and I will make it my business to use her story to try and stop bunnies being bred for pet shops.

I hope we can all help and support you in doing that. I'm truly sorry Netty has gone, she deserved longer with you. Its so sad that some of the Lymington buns have passed, but at least they were safe and loved, thanks to you and the others who helped rescue them.

Binky free Netty Noodles, have fun at the bridge pretty girl xxx