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Nervous Rabbit bonder

Hi everyone,
I've spent the last 3 months bonding my spayed 3 year old girl bunny with her new younger netured boyfriend. The reason it has taken me so long is that i've been so nervous about leaving them to it! In the past on their dates they always got on with eachother and would snuggle and groom eachother, but would also mount eachother, which is the main reason why it's taken so long to bond.

This weekend we finally put them in their hutch together as when we split them apart they would just stare at eachother looking lovesick! They have basically been together since Friday night, with me and my partner checking on them every hour or so. Everything seems to be going well and we've not witnessed any mounting at all, but today I am at work and worried sick. I've even had my mum go round to check that they are ok which she says they are.

Does anyone have any extra advice for me? Are there any signs I should look out for both positive and negative. I think I just need reassurance that they will be ok. My main worry is that he will try mounting her again and she will flip out and bite him, but would that already have happened by now? Not happened before, but we have always been there to watch in case that happened.

Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks :wave:
i was told by a breeder that as long as there r no blood, u shud leave them to it, and they will sort it out. i was worried too, when i bonded mine, they had a fight, fur flying, but the next minute they wer licking each other :roll: ... strange. don't worry!
Thanks! This is my first bond as you can tell. I don't personally know anyone that has bonded before, so everything i know is from advice and articles that I've read online. As well as reading happy and sucess stories of bonding i've also read some horror stories which probably made me nervous in the first place. At the moment they are happily snuggled together. :love:
I'm sure they will be fine, but be aware that as the weather warms up ie getting to spring, even bonded, neutered bunnies may begin to hump again :shock: Its just "spring fever" but can lead you to think something is going on with their bond,just leave them to it,lots of bunnies on here go through this.After a period of time it stops again,as quick as it started :D