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Needing someone who can help rebond rabbits.


New Kit
Hi, I have 2 male buns that have fallen out for over a month now and still no sign of making friends.
They both came from RSPCA over 2 years ago as a bonded and neutered pair.
No idea why they fell out but their scuffles are bad. Wounded bodies that meant vet visits were needed.

Does anyone local to Liverpool provide a rebonding service?
Local rescues aren't able to help.


Hi Jenny, sorry to hear about the problem with your bunnies. I am nowhere near you, but why not pop this thread in the Rabbit Chat or Bonding section and hopefully someone will be able to offer help. Also put Liverpool in your title.

Best of luck.
Hi Jenny, sorry to hear about the problem with your bunnies. I am nowhere near you, but why not pop this thread in the Rabbit Chat or Bonding section and hopefully someone will be able to offer help. Also put Liverpool in your title.

Best of luck.

Not sure where to find bonding section is on here?