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need vibes for chesney (piggy)-*happy and stable*

we've just got back now -

looks like we went in at just the right time really. in the carrier on the way there ches tried to wee and he was really upset. when we got there, he had blood and sludge oozing out of his penis.

he had xrays done which showed a build up of 'material' in his bladder so the vet kept him asleep and came out to say he wanted to flush ches's bladder out straight away whilst he was already in and asleep. so they flushed it six times and it flushed really well. then they took more xrays to make sure it had all gone. two xrays views of course.

it was all gritty sludge and blood. there was one tiny tiny area still showing in the bladder but the vet thinks it could just be showing a mineral build up area, rather than a stone. he explained it better than me so i hope i make sense. he said it could also be a lesion on the bladder wall but for now he doesn't want to go opening ches up when this 'thing' is so tiny that they may not find it.

he said we now know there is was sludge and also ches now has a bad cystitis aswell but he still thinks that the amount of bleeding that ches had could still mean there is something else going on. he did mention some kind of haemorrhage, lesion on the bladder wall, or that tiny area could be something.

i forgot to mention last time aswell that ches seemed to become more unwell when he started having septrin. it could just be a coincedence but the vet has seen other animals have some issues with septrin and become anaemic, but never seen it happen to a guinea pig. and he said it is probably that the anaemia is due to the amount of blood lost, but he wants to not use septrin just on that small chance it didn't agree with ches.

ches is now on marbocyl and metacam twice a day. this will be for about 12 days and then hopefully his red blood cells will be replenished and his bladder area will heal and then we will re-assess the situation.

it broke my heart when we got home because ches wouldn't come out of the carrier so i went to lift him out and i only lightly placed my hands on his underneath and he cried. he is looking quite sad but is in his corner burrowed in hay and we're keeping him warm. it must have taken it out of him so he will probably be tired and quiet the rest of the day. but he should feel some relief now his bladder has been flushed.

Aww sounds like poor Chesney's been in the wars. Good news that the sludge shown on the x ray has been removed, I hope this stops the bleeding and the little lesions isn't anything significant.

Did he perk up after a while? I always feel guilty for putting mine through GAs/ops etc but do get some comfort from knowing that things must be more comfortable after.

Hope this is the start of things turning around for Ches.

Best wishes x
Aww sounds like poor Chesney's been in the wars. Good news that the sludge shown on the x ray has been removed, I hope this stops the bleeding and the little lesions isn't anything significant.

Did he perk up after a while? I always feel guilty for putting mine through GAs/ops etc but do get some comfort from knowing that things must be more comfortable after.

Hope this is the start of things turning around for Ches.

Best wishes x

i always feel guilty aswell, even though it's for the best.

ches went really cold when we got home so i warmed him up a heatpad and put that in his corner and after his metacam he stayed in that corner until after 5pm. i kept having to resist the urge to keep disturbing him and to let him rest. he came out of the corner and was nibbling hay and lettuce. he then came over for his tea and ate alot of that. he has been mainly resting but he is nibbling hay. he does seem to have perked up a bit aswell.

hopefully he will begin to improve over the next 12 days. x
we're getting there.. slowly but i am pleased with how he is. another weight loss yesterday but we were expecting that after the vets day.

945g to 933g (-12g)

he's loving having his very own heatpad. :love: he loves recovery food which makes things easier for me. :love: takes metacam well :love:

but he does not appreciate marbocyl! at all!

there has been no more blood either so that's brilliant. :thumb:
weight loss again -

933g to 902g (-31g) :(

is it normal he would still be losing weight because it's only friday we went to the vets? i know weight loss isn't normal, but i mean could he still be stressed from it?

he has some veg after his metacam and he is mainly only eating lettuce again. he had one or two coriander leaves and one or two basil leaves but then he leaves them. he still has exaggerated head movements when eating. i am still wondering about his teeth - that maybe because last week his eating slowed down that his teeth have had the chance to overgrow again. the vet thought they looked ok but not perfect, which we know they're not from his dental last time.

his tummy is still gurgling aswell. i don't know why.

he takes recovery food well. how much should i be aiming to give him? does anyone know? i have asked on the piggy forum aswell.

my poor ches. he's all skin and bone. :(:(
Oh poor Ches, he really has been through it :cry:

Im not sure about the weight loss, could of course be due to the fact that hes not eating as much as usual. I would imagine bladder flushing can be painful/uncomfortable for a good few days. Hopefully he will improve more as time goes on.

Just wanted to send more vibes really :wave:
it's not been long since the bladder flush so he must still be tired.. but i have some good news..

i'm sooooooo excited! we have found a great routine that seems to be working really well.

i offered ches some cut up timothy and rye hay earlier and he loved it and it took him a while to chew it but he loved it so much that he ate alot. and then he went over and had some pellet mash.

i thought i could get him out every few hours and offer him a plate of different things. so i put small amounts of veg and hay and pellet mash and the first time he ate about 1/3 of the plate! then he had syringe food after. when he went back in the cage, for the first time he didn't go straight to his corner to rest! he went and carried on eating hay!

i got him out again at 4pm and at 7pm and he ate over half the plate of food! he could take his time because maisie wasn't there to steal it. and then he had more syringe food than he has been taking. and he's eating much better and for the first time i didn't hear any gurgles from his tummy.

i'm so pleased we have found a routine that he really likes.

he's having another plate of food offered to him in another few hours followed by another syringe feed. and i mix up what veg is offered to keep him interested.

tomorrow o/h is buying him some green oat and dandelion from wilkos, and i'm going to make a hayexperts order on wednesday and get some orchard grass as a treat aswell as more recovery foods.

he's eaten more this afternoon than all of yesterday and the day before put together. i'm sooooo happy. i can't explain how pleased i am and how proud of him i am.

jack-jane - yes, he had his liver function checked and it is fine, as are his kidneys. i think maybe he hasn't been taking enough recovery food but that has improved now. :D
thanks for the vibes x

i knew we had started to make progress yesterday -

weight - 902g to 908g (+6g) i know it's not the biggest increase but we are now going in the right direction :thumb:

chesney's overall weight loss (providing he doesn't lose anymore) was 198g! :( so we still have a way to go but i'm really pleased with a 6g gain today.

we have a routine that is working really well. ches is happy with it and syringe times are running more smoothly :D he takes meds so well and recovery food aswell and then he loves his reward of a plate of food where he can eat whatever he wants from it :D

o/h is out at the moment getting some mixed salad bags from asda and some green oat and dandelion from wilkos. so ches will be pleased later. :D

he's eating by himself between syringes aswell, mainly hay. he's still resting on the heatpad but is keeping his temperature fairly well by himself and is moving around a bit more. :thumb:

he nuzzles against me when he's had enough off the plate and then i scoop him up onto my chest for cuddles and lots of praise :love:
weight today -

908g to 921g (+13g) yay! :D

still not been any blood in the cage since his bladder flush aswell :D

we have a great routine going here and today we both agree his fur looks shinier and his eyes look brighter! :D
weight today -

908g to 921g (+13g) yay! :D

still not been any blood in the cage since his bladder flush aswell :D

we have a great routine going here and today we both agree his fur looks shinier and his eyes look brighter! :D

So glad its a happier day for you all :D Keep getting better Chesney pig :love:
hmm.. we had a message left yesterday (which our stupid phone has just realised!) from the vets asking how chesney has been over the weekend and not to hesitate to contact them if we need to. i'm thinking aidan must have been concerned then. or it's because they want to make sure we pay tomorrow like agreed :lol: it's nice to know they care though :D