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Name the bunny for Rainbow Rabbits/ winner announced

Hugo's There

Wise Old Thumper
We desperately need to do some fundraising as our vet bill just from boxing day up to today is around £900 and we have more ops booked in for next week. Much of this has been due to taking on Fifi :love: But she is such an amazing bunny we would do it all over again without question :)

For a chance to win this beautiful 2ft tall cuddly bunny we are running a name the bunny competition. Below is a list of 50 random names, pick a name for £2 or 3 for £5. The competition will end either when all the names have been picked or in 3 weeks time, which ever comes soonest. All sold names will be put in a hat and one drawn at random. The winner will receive the cuddly bunny.

We accept payment by paypal rainbowrabbitsretirement@yahoo.co.uk, by cheque or online bank transfer, please pm for details. Thank you.



Ana Banana - Shimmer PAID
Bailey - gillmanning PAID
Bella - DrBoo PAID
Bennett - gillmanning PAID
Binky - iiisecondcreep PAID
Bluebelle - Bunnymadbunny PAID
BunBun - iiisecondcreep PAID
Bunita - Tuckerbunnies PAID
Charlie - Kaths101 PAID
Cinnabun - Shimmer PAID
Duke Chester Bunnington - iiisecondcreep PAID
Estelle - Susiebun PAID
Floppy - Kaths101 Paid
Giuseppe - KarenM PAID
Hannibal - prettylupin PAID
Harvey - Vicki PAID
Hazel - Bunnymadbunny PAID
Herbie Pierre
Honeybun - Susiebun PAID
Isabelle - gillmanning PAID
Jasmine - gillmanning PAID
Jasper - KarenM PAID
Latté - Shimmer PAID
Lola - DrBoo PAID
Mayzie - Tuckerbunnies PAID
Mollie - Tuckerbunnies PAID
Nibbles - Kaths101 PAID
Nutmeg - Susiebun PAID
Peanut - KarenM PAID
Shadow - gillmanning PAID
Snoopy - gillmanning PAID
Spike - DrBoo PAID
Stanley - Alleycat PAID
Sunny - Bunnymadbunny PAID
Sweet Pea - Minilop1 PAID
Thumper - Alleycat PAID
Truffle - Shimmer PAID
Willow - Shimmer PAID
Winston - Alleycat PAID
Zorro - Shimmer PAID
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I will definitely have a go at this, but will need some time to ponder the superb choice of names! :thumb:
Could I reserve Nutmeg, Estelle and Honeybun? I'll send payment when my paypal account is back in business. :wave:
can i have Harvey please?! im not sure how to make a payment to you on paypal? could you send me a invoice or something?!
Ive got a Charlie so I will have Charlie please..

If there are still some left when I get paid next week i will buy some more xx