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Munching bunny photo thread

I have two of those balls as well, they sell them at most pet stores in Norway at least:D They call it salad ball and there's a picture of a guinea pig on it, of course it functions just fine for rabbits:D
One problem I find is that Aroma eats it up in no time, even though she's got two filled with hay in her cage:roll:

Be glad that she eats a lot of hay. :D

Of course, in Norway you would fill those balls with fiskeboller or geitost. :lol: :p
Two of Rosie munching -


thanks. can their whole hay intake be put in there?

Well the more hay they have available to them the better, so i would say no, but only because mine eat loads :D I have hay dispensers, racks, stuffed toilet roll holders etc, scattered all over their living area :)
I'll keep that in mind in case any of them would ask for fiskeboller or geitost:lol:

They would probably curl up their noses and run away. Like I do. :lol: I never forgive the Norwegians for geitost, I thought it was toffee and took a big bite. :shock:

(Can you tell that I am doing very boring work today? :oops: :D )