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Mr Fox

Awwww hes gorgeous. I love foxes, when i worked at a wildlife sanctuary for a few days i met the foxes they had, and they become so tame and friendly :love:
Wow he is stunning!! What great pictures. I adire foxes, think there stunning.

When i lived in Dunkirk I had foxes all the time in our garden. Many times I would cross the road on way home from work with a fox right at side of me, they werent scared at all.
"damn ive been caught on camera":lol: he is lovely, the fact they do love a bit of rabbit is only what come natural to them and we do our best to protect our buns, i have 2 that pop in my most days of the week, i watch them thinking sitting outside the hutches but frosty soon starts thumping and they run off, they are still beautifull creatures
gosh is it just me who feels sick at the sight of a fox..? :oops: beautiful yes. Am i a fan.... no! Great pictures though :D
:love::love::love: Wow! Are they dangerous to people? Sorry I know nothing about them we dont have them here, I think even if I didnt have buns outside I would be frightened if there was a fox close to me :oops:
:love::love::love: Wow! Are they dangerous to people? Sorry I know nothing about them we dont have them here, I think even if I didnt have buns outside I would be frightened if there was a fox close to me :oops:

lol no they'e not unless you corner one, they have a nasty bite im sure! :lol:
Absolutely stunning :love:

Did anyone see that fox in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago who walked into someones house and lay down on their sofa? The owner had to shoo him out of the house but he wasn't fazed at all by being in close proximity to a human ;)