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Morse Puppy as Requested- Updated 15th June

Chocolate curly Morse puppy is wonderful. Those pics of him at six and then eight weeks ...
Aged 5 days

Aged 2.5 weeks

Aged 6 weeks

His first evening home, aged 8 weeks

And a few more from the last 2 weeks

I think I must have the best behaved Puppy. He is already house trained, he comes when I call his name and he knows the commands 'Sit' and 'Leave it'. He has never cried at night, he sleeps in a crate in my room and the crate is covered with a blanket. He really is remarkable.

I just hope I am not being lulled into a false sense of security...........................:shock:

I think he was sent to you by inspector morse jane to look after you and you look after him, he is lovely :love:
I'm also wondering where/when/how a puppy came into your life Jane, I've been away from the forum for a while so have a lot of catching up to do! He is adorable xx
Oh my...my teeth are getting serious cavities in them from all the sweetness of this wee lad! :love:

Jane, I have a rather delicate question...when Morse Pup needs...ahem, for lack of a better word, the loo...does he have a special place in the garden or does he need to walk elsewhere? I only ask because I know bunnies can't be eating greenery from where a dog has been 'doing his business'...even here where I have a large yard I have to be careful where I get the forage from for my three because we've had so many dogs. :( When we move we're going to significantly shrink our property size, I am not sure how I will continue to let them have things like grass and such because the dogs will be using the yard as well, not to mention the previous tennants also had dogs. :(

Although admittedly I just can't imagine this little lovely even making a mess! :love: That's something I've always loved about Jenna is her very proper house training...of course her having to go out even in -40 F was a bit much, I'd have preferred the puppy pad then! :lol:

Such beautiful photos! Even with my wonky screen I can see well enough...they are so precious! Please give Morse Pup a special cuddle from me, what a darling boy! xxxxxxx
Oh my...my teeth are getting serious cavities in them from all the sweetness of this wee lad! :love:

Jane, I have a rather delicate question...when Morse Pup needs...ahem, for lack of a better word, the loo...does he have a special place in the garden or does he need to walk elsewhere? I only ask because I know bunnies can't be eating greenery from where a dog has been 'doing his business'...even here where I have a large yard I have to be careful where I get the forage from for my three because we've had so many dogs. :( When we move we're going to significantly shrink our property size, I am not sure how I will continue to let them have things like grass and such because the dogs will be using the yard as well, not to mention the previous tennants also had dogs. :(

Although admittedly I just can't imagine this little lovely even making a mess! :love: That's something I've always loved about Jenna is her very proper house training...of course her having to go out even in -40 F was a bit much, I'd have preferred the puppy pad then! :lol:

Such beautiful photos! Even with my wonky screen I can see well enough...they are so precious! Please give Morse Pup a special cuddle from me, what a darling boy! xxxxxxx

I have partitioned off the garden so Morse only has access to part of it and the Rabbits cant access that area at all xx
He's so cute! :love: He just reinforces my belief that poodles are so much more adorable with a fluffy 'puppy cut' than shaving bits of them etc! Although I guess it's a lot more time consuming once they get that adult coat, so I see the reason why.

Also I feel compelled to add that my ducks have that exact same ball (the purple one) except mine is green! :lol: Might have to take it away from them soon though as they've managed to chew some of the ends of the 'spikes' off :roll: Looks like Morse hasn't though - he must be more delicate with his toys!
He is adorable :love: Poodles (and their crosses) are one of my favourite breeds :love: I have a Bedlington Terrier, people often mistake him for a poodle X.
How big is he going to get when fully grown? X

About 5kg maximum I think. His parents are both very slight of build, his Mum is mostly fluff and his Dad would be too if he hadn't had a trip to the Barbers !

He is adorable :love: Poodles (and their crosses) are one of my favourite breeds :love: I have a Bedlington Terrier, people often mistake him for a poodle X.

You dont see many Bedlingtons about these days
About 5kg maximum I think. His parents are both very slight of build, his Mum is mostly fluff and his Dad would be too if he hadn't had a trip to the Barbers !

You dont see many Bedlingtons about these days

Aww that's tiny! Connie is six months and weighing in at 27kgs! :lol: