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Meet Bobby!


Young Bun
Hi everyone,

I have been a lurker here for quite awhile trying to soak up as much information as possible, it's like every question I have ever had about rabbits has been answered on here! So thank you to everyone for making such a helpful and friendly forum.

I had a house rabbit when I was a child but after buying my own house I was finally able to get my own rabbit. After initial promises to my husband that I would convert the shed into a giant hutch, Bobby has made himself at home as a free ranging bunny! He has access to every room apart from our living room (far too many wires).

He is nearly five months old now and is an English lop cross a French lop (the best of both worlds!). Anyway, I wanted to share this picture with you all, it's of Bobby enjoying himself in his outside playpan. PS I have mowed the lawn since then!!

I hope this picture actually shows!

Hello and welcome to you and beautiful Bobby.:wave::love:

You'll find loads of helpful advice and support on here.

Enjoy! :thumb:
Thank you everyone!! I love his ears! I do love the English lops but I know their ears can get damaged so I just see him as perfect!

Im looking to get him neutered at the end of the month, then I cant wait to get a rescue little girlfriend for him.

Im also the happy what feels like slave to four little rats!!