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Matilda - Giant bunny, arrived today

She is really lovely, it is kind of a good job I don't have spare room at home :( or I would be whisking her away to my house.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor poor bunny, at least she is getting loads of love and attention from you Cheryl, she is adorable:love: :love:
She is gorgeous :love:

How people can treat another living thing with such lack of care is unbelievable. :censored: It should be harder to obtain animals, any pets so they don't end up in the wrong hands. I used to work in a petshop and it was frightening how many rabbit owners did not feed hay :roll: (until I sorted them out of course!:censored: )

I thought BG. Can anyone answer me .... But what is the difference between a BG and a conti???

I've been told its weight but I know BG's (including my own) who also reach 8kilos....
aawwww poor girlie. She is a beauty.. glad she is feeling better now and hope she finds a new home soon.
9kg is amazing.. thats more than my 3 put together :lol: .. in fact its my 3 put together twice :shock: :shock:
I would have said probable conti only because she doesn't look too overweight (that dewlap is probably where she hasn't been spayed) and Zeus was 8Kg and looked like her (except for the colour) he looked his best at 7-7.5Kg but does are supposed to be larger.

I don't suppose she has a ring the letter would tell you for sure?

I really worry that giants are the new thing but so few people have the resources/knowledge to care for them - our local pet shop has started stocking contis, BGs and english lops :( !

Any fresh news on Matilda, has anyone expressed an interest in taking her?


She is doing really well, her bum has all cleared up nicely, she has lost some weight and she was spayed on Wednesday. She has been reserved to go to a new home with another bunny but there is a chance the area they have for them might not be big enough so watch this space ;)
She is doing really well, her bum has all cleared up nicely, she has lost some weight and she was spayed on Wednesday. She has been reserved to go to a new home with another bunny but there is a chance the area they have for them might not be big enough so watch this space ;)

Thanks for that and not :( ! As you know we are set up for giants but I need to get this job I've gone for and then there's the little matter of Maria agreeing. If her new home is suitable I'm obviously chuffed :( :D !

Neil, if you can't have Matilda then I'm sure those 300 rabbits in need of rescue...at least 4 normal buns must equal one giant? maybe more?? ;) :lol:
Neil, if you can't have Matilda then I'm sure those 300 rabbits in need of rescue...at least 4 normal buns must equal one giant? maybe more?? ;) :lol:

Truth is I didn't realise we were talking about 300 rabbits earlier when I enquired about Matilda. I make no secret of my preference for giants whereas many aren't geared up for them :D .
