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Maisy, my little sweetheart


Warren Scout
i had to have Maisy put down today
She was completley incontinent and just wee'd everywhere, she was really damp as her hind limb weakness meant she couldnt wash properly.
Her pasturella got worse, and her breathing got really bad. she was squeeking and her chest was all crackly.
finally she had stopped eating, and only ate when sherpa did.

although she was quite bright i could let her go on and get worse and said goodbye today. she was very brave and such a good girl.
Sherpa knew cause i went to him staright after and cried and he snuggled his face in mine. he is out there in the run alone, staring at the floor. he looks so sad :(

So here is a toast, to the wonderful Maisy. Who started life as a cheeky, naughty little so and so, who i could have screamed at sometimes! she is the reason my shed is chewed to pieces, she is the reason all my storage boxes and runs were wrecked, and she is the reason Sherpa has made it so far. She was his little nurse and would do anything for him. She was also a little trollop when she was younger!!!

Maisy, may you be free, finally from pasturella and the hardships of life. May you run and hop and skip in Mums bunny garden in heaven, and may you eat all the toast and hard bread you like.

My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today.




Just as a tribute. the hole she chewed in the shed








Sorry, went a bit piccie mad.....
I'm so sorry :cry::cry: you made a very brave decision though.

Lovely photos of Maisy (and that is quite an impressive hole!). Hugs to you and Sherpa xx

Binky free Maisy xxx
So sorry for your loss. She was so pretty.
Binky free at the Bridge Maisy, get into lots of mischief there! x