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Love the current TimothyHay.co.uk hay !!! (pic heavy)


Warren Scout
Hay post is my most favourite post to see here in RU :D

Got the 2013 cut from TimothyHay.co.uk and I have to scream OMG!!! The hay are sooooo green and smell very fresh like just from the field. Very stalky and the strands are super long. Popcorn and Jelly love the hay so much and can't stop munching and munching :lol: They even prefer this hay over their all time favourite Alfalfa King Timothy Hay from the America :lol:

Here are some pictures

Very green hay from the bag

Very long strand, and also very green!

In their hay rack

Popcorn and Jelly enjoying their hay!

The aftermath... Golden Poops :oops::lol:

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Ooooo looks nice! How much is it and how much do you get? :D

I've got the 6kg bag for 25 quids. It is quite compact and will last my buns a very long while. They eat a lot and particular this year's cut they waste less, rather than other hay that they pull out from the rack and just leave them in the litter tray.

I think Gavin from TimothyHay.co.uk is considering a cheaper courier service (like 3-4 days) than the current next day service to reduce the price. This year's cut is a lot better than the last year's (thanks to the nice summer we had).

I could send you a sample or you could ask Gavin, I actually got a sample before I made my mind :D
I'm new to all this as only had our bunnies for the last 4 weeks.

I think I will try some at some stage but seems quite expensive compared to say Hayforpets.co.uk where I got my last lot of Ings Hay from (9kg for £16 delivered).

Have you tried Hayforpets.co.uk? If so, how does it compare?

Will have to get a sample from them.
I'm new to all this as only had our bunnies for the last 4 weeks.

I think I will try some at some stage but seems quite expensive compared to say Hayforpets.co.uk where I got my last lot of Ings Hay from (9kg for £16 delivered).

Have you tried Hayforpets.co.uk? If so, how does it compare?

Will have to get a sample from them.

:wave: I bought both Timothy&Rye and Ings from Hay4Pets when I first got my buns. It's true Hay4Pets hay are cheaper, but personally I won't get from them again. The reasons are as below:

1. My first order from Hay4Pets smelt mouldy and I have to email them for the replacement to be sent. To be fair they have very good customer services and the replacement was received very quickly, but still if they could check before the hay being sent I don't have to be panic about hay shortage. On the other side, my orders from TimothyHay.co.uk were always very nice and smelt delicious. I think this might down to storage as Hay4Pets hay are more damp than TimothyHay.co.uk hay.

2. At first my buns liked H4P T&R very much, but later on they've lost interest. Plus they have never liked Ings and I still have an almost full bag of Ings in our storage :(

3. There are a lot more waste when H4P T&R were given to my buns. It might seem more expensive getting £25 for 6kg than £16 for 9.5kg initially, but it works out cheaper as my buns ate about 90% of TimothyHay.co.uk hay rather than only ate about 50% H4P T&R.

However, all buns are different, as a lot buns like Ings as much as my buns like TimothyHay.co.uk hay. Get a sample and your buns will help you to decide :D
Wow! :shock: It looks lovely but that is very expensive hay! I buy from Hayforpets and get 9kg of Timothy and Rye hay for just £16.
Wow! :shock: It looks lovely but that is very expensive hay! I buy from Hayforpets and get 9kg of Timothy and Rye hay for just £16.

I know... My buns are expensive :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think you get what you pay for + happy buns :lol:
I know... My buns are expensive :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think you get what you pay for + happy buns :lol:

The 9kg bag I buy only lasts me about a month. The Timothy and Rye from hay for pets is brilliant and my buns adore it. If I could afford it, I'd definitely be buying the Tomothyhay.co.uk stuff. Fortunately the hayforpets hay is good quality too. I am looking into buying different hay, since I now have a bun that refuses to eat the hay I have! :roll:
I'm definitely going to get a sample from them to try...but can't seem to find a "contact us" button anywhere on their website to order a sample.

Can anyone help?
The 9kg bag I buy only lasts me about a month. The Timothy and Rye from hay for pets is brilliant and my buns adore it. If I could afford it, I'd definitely be buying the Tomothyhay.co.uk stuff. Fortunately the hayforpets hay is good quality too. I am looking into buying different hay, since I now have a bun that refuses to eat the hay I have! :roll:

That's what happened with my buns - they liked Hay4Pets Timothy&Rye a lot at the beginning but then they refuse to eat :(... when I switched to TimothyHay.co.uk they started munching again and haven't lost interest (fingers crossed they won't :lol:).
That's what happened with my buns - they liked Hay4Pets Timothy&Rye a lot at the beginning but then they refuse to eat :(... when I switched to TimothyHay.co.uk they started munching again and haven't lost interest (fingers crossed they won't :lol:).

My two are pretty good with their hay, but have been eating less recently. I switched to meadow hay, but they don't seem too fussed with that either. Their poo is excellent, however, so I'm not worried.
I took in a stray rabbit, she is the one that won't touch the hay. I've tried cheap meadow hay, hayforpets timothy and their meadow hay. I can only get her to eat readigrass. :roll: I think I may have to try the excel hay next with marigold bits in it, I have yet to see a bun turn their nose up at that!
This looks amazing! Very tempted to order a sample. If I got 12kg it wouldn't really be more expensive than what I buy now. Just the storage issue, where on earth do you store 12kg of hay???
I'm definitely going to get a sample from them to try...but can't seem to find a "contact us" button anywhere on their website to order a sample.

Can anyone help?

His email is gavin@timothyhay.co.uk

I emailed and got a sample - Barney really likes it (Anna will eat almost any good hay). I think I'll get some eventually but at the moment I have 15kgs of meadow hay to get through that they are also loving.
My two are pretty good with their hay, but have been eating less recently. I switched to meadow hay, but they don't seem too fussed with that either. Their poo is excellent, however, so I'm not worried.
I took in a stray rabbit, she is the one that won't touch the hay. I've tried cheap meadow hay, hayforpets timothy and their meadow hay. I can only get her to eat readigrass. :roll: I think I may have to try the excel hay next with marigold bits in it, I have yet to see a bun turn their nose up at that!

I have a bag of Excel hay with marigold opened and my buns wouldn't touch that... the hay are chopped very short and I think that's why my buns are not so keen. They get various herbs including marigold mixed in with their pellets and I think that's why they are not so mad about hey w/ herbs :D
This looks amazing! Very tempted to order a sample. If I got 12kg it wouldn't really be more expensive than what I buy now. Just the storage issue, where on earth do you store 12kg of hay???

I got the 6kg bag and it is not humongous tbh... our downstairs WC is full of bunny stuff so I just put the bag inside :lol: our buns got their own storage room and we don't even have one for ourselves :lol::lol::lol:
I think I might try it. Definitely get the sample first though, and work my way through my current stash. Honestly, I spend more money on my buns than on me!!
I think I might try it. Definitely get the sample first though, and work my way through my current stash. Honestly, I spend more money on my buns than on me!!

hehe I do the same... hopefully not only two of us here :lol: