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Looks like they've started cutting this year's hay

Yes it was - sounds like I was lucky! Buns will be on rations - luckily there is plenty of grass about however I have to cut it for them. I have them out of the grass most evenngs but they are too busy checking out the garden to munch much grass:roll:
Aaaah, lucky you. I went all the way there last week and came home with just a couple of small bags. :( :lol::lol:

I phoned them after I last posted though, and they had one bale of soft hay left - with more to come at the weekend hopefully - so I've just driven over there to get it. *phew* It's very green and looks more like dried grass than hay though; I'm assuming it's good, plus Alfie and Bubbles approve, but I'm just hoping it's not too rich now. :? :lol:
The last bale of hay I got from Upsons was awful and I couldnt really use most of it! Im hoping they have some better quality ones this year as the years before was fab!
Aaaah, lucky you. I went all the way there last week and came home with just a couple of small bags. :( :lol::lol:

I phoned them after I last posted though, and they had one bale of soft hay left - with more to come at the weekend hopefully - so I've just driven over there to get it. *phew* It's very green and looks more like dried grass than hay though; I'm assuming it's good, plus Alfie and Bubbles approve, but I'm just hoping it's not too rich now. :? :lol:

Ooh must make a trip at the weekend!