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Litter tray training


New Kit
My two boys have a two level hutch and they always do their business on the bottom level so I popped a litter tray in the corner they use the most. They do use the tray but also still go everywhere else on that level. Ive tried putting the poo's into the tray that I find out of it, but they seem to poo alot and I can never keep up! How else can I encourage them to just use the tray?
both mine are litter tray trained,but still fill the bottom of the hutch for me,then other times there everything in the tray.i think it depends how they feel some days:roll:
persavere with it tho,
My pair both use their litter tray to wee and poo but also poo everywhere else as well. They do it to make their territory and no matter how often I sweep them up and put them in the tray they keep doing it!

Snowdrop will also wee on anything soft, carpets, beds, sofas, she is a nightmare!