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Lilac is 10!!


Mama Doe
My grumpy little lady is 10 today (give or take, I adopted her when she was about 2 and a half). Lilac has been and always will be a bun's bun, definitely prefers the company of other buns to humans, and only enjoys human interaction on her own terms! I've never had a bunny older than 7, so am very grateful that she's in excellent health, although she's just developed a small cyst on her eyelid so she'll be off to the vet soon. She is definitely a little character and is the boss of the house!


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Well done Lilac and a very Happy 10th Birthday to you ❤️ Both of my two prefer the company of bunnies to humans, so I do understand (and accept) this behaviour. It's a shame that she has to go to the vet today, but I hope it goes well for her.
Aww, Happy Birthday, Lilac! You're a teenager now! 😍 Since you're the boss of the house, I hope everybody celebrates your birthday properly and gives you lots of yummy things to eat. I hope your vet appointment will go well, too.
She had a little bit of cow parsley that I foraged on my way home from the gym and a tiny slice of banana but no that's all, don't fancy a sticky bum alongside a gammy eye! She's off to the vet shortly so will be highly unimpressed with me.
All good at the vet, although I noticed on her record she is listed as 9, so either I gave the vet the wrong info or I've got her age wrong lol. Either way it's still her birthday!